Kid x Reader High school (fluff)

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Requested by isee02 I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted (^-^)

Y/n woke up to the sound of her alarm she gasped seeing the time "I'm going to be late!" she shouted jumping out of bed she pulled on her uniform and grabbed her backpack before running out of the house to  school. 

Y/n leaned against the door frame of the entrance to catch her breath "Fight, Fight, Fight!" she could hear a group of people shouting. Lifting her head she saw a group of students standing in the circle. She jogged over gripping the straps on her backpack. "What's going on?" she asked one of the kids that were watching. "that kid bumped into Eustass Kid" the girl said pointing "What idiot woul-" y/n was cut off by the realization as she watched the pink haired boy hit the floor bood leaving his lips as he did. Y/n scowled "Get out of my way!" she shouted pushing through the crowd. Y/n could hear Kid and his gang laughing as they looked at the kid on the ground. Y/n slipped her backpack off and dropped it on the floor "Hey! why don't you pick on someone your own size?" y/n asked her hands were balled into fists. The group continued to laugh "What could a girl like you do?" Wire asked still laughing. Y/n jumped forward her fist connecting with the side of his head knocking him into the floor. "I can kick your ass!" She shouted hearing the other students begin to cheer.  "y-y/n be carful!" Coby said rubbing his eyes, looking up at her Kid stalked towards her and angry look on his face. He towered over her "Got something you want to say?" she asked crossing her arms and lifting her head to look up at him. He was about to speak when someone shouted "HEY! what are you kids doing over there!" one of the teachers had come to stop the commotion. The crowd dispersed "Eustass, L/n! Detention after school!" Y/ns eyes didn't leave Kid's as she scowled at him. 

Y/n walked into her first class of the day kid following close behind "I'm assigning all of you seats" Mr. Raleigh said reading out the seating plan. "Y/n L/n, Eustass Kid third row right side" he said Y/n groaned and walked over taking her seat. Kid sat beside her the two bickering quietly until class started. "The reason behind setting you up in a seating plan is the person beside you will be your partner for the year. "UGH!" Y/n groaned aloud "Is there an issue Miss L/n?" he asked giving her a look "No Mr. Raleigh" she replied before hitting her face on the desk. "You have a nice face don't wreck it" Kid said bluntly Y/n paused "Was that a compliment or an insult?" she questioned looking at him he shrugged in response. That class couldn't have ended faster as she ran out of the room.

Later that day y/n was in gym class jogging laps around the gym as a warm up. "Don't look now but Eustass Kid is totally staring at you" Bonny said smirking as jogged beside Y/n. As they turned the corner her eye met his she slowed her jog to a walk catching her breath. "ever since this morning he won't back off I don't know what his deal is" Y/n said shrugging as she looked at Bonny. Bonny put her arm around Y/n's shoulders laughing loudly "Maybe he's got a crush on you!" she said a little too loud causing everyone to look towards them. "Keep your voice down Bonny" Y/n replied elbowing her Bonny shrugged in response. The girls stopped running to sit and stretch Y/n bent over touching her toes she looked between her legs seeing a couple of the boys looking at her she scowled standing up. Before she could say anything the two guys got hit upside the back of the head by none other than Eustass Kid. "Told ya" Bonny winked at her causing Y/n to shake her head "that don't prove anything!" she replied continuing with gym class. 

After school y/n sat in detention with Kid "No phones, No talking" Mr. Mihawk sat at his desk holding a book in his hand. Y/n pulled some blank pages from her backpack setting them on the table she dragged her pencil across the page. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she looked up at Mihawk before pulling her phone out onto her lap. It was a text from Coby "Y/n! Eustass Kid has a crush on you!" she frowned a bit before replying "did Bonny put you up to this?" she replied. "No! he did! the fight this morning was to get your attention!" Y/n tucked her phone back into her pocket before looking up at Kid her face tinted a light pink as she looked at him from across the room. He lifted his head their eyes meeting and she looked back down towards her page crumpling it up and starting on a fresh page. An hour passed and Mr. Mihawk closed his book before standing up "You may leave now" he said Y/n collected her things before heading to the door "Y/n" she paused looking over her shoulder seeing Kid. She stepped out of the door letting the other students walk out of the room. Waiting for him "We need to talk" he said Y/n held up her hand and handed him the drawing she had spent detention drawing. "What's this?" he asked taking it "Coby already told me" She said he held up the drawing looking at it, it was a detailed drawing of him. His usual grumpy expression it was at that moment he realized Y/n had been looking at him through detention. "Y/n" he said she smiled and offered him her hand "Do you want to go to the craft store with me?" she questioned Kid took her hand and nodded walking with her down the hall and out of the school hand in hand.

The End

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