Reader x Bellamy Marry me?

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Requested by Starflower1206 Hope you like it ^.^ sorry it's kind of short, short and sweet!

Y/n sat in a bar silently waiting it had been two years since she had seen him. He promised her he would meet her at their bar she brought the mug to her lips sipping her ale. As she waited for the man that would change her life forever. The door to the bar opened and the sound of heavy foot steps filled the once silent air. "You're late" she said not bothering to look at him "You're just early" he replied standing behind her. "You're always late Bellamy" y/n stated putting her mug on the counter before spinning around on her stool. She took in his appearance "You've grown" she smiled up at him "So have you" he replied stepping towards her she pressed her finger against his chest "I don't think so you were late" she said. Turning back to her drink Bellamy rolled his eyes before hugging her from behind nuzzling against her neck. "I missed you" he whispered y/n sighed in defeat "Missed you too idiot" she said bringing her hand to his hair she had missed the feeling of his silky blond hair between her fingers. "Come on let's go" he said standing up y/n put money on the counter finishing her drink before letting Bellamy pull her out of the bar. "Where are we going?" Y/n asked "I'm taking my lady out on the town" he winked back at her. Y/n laughed and he felt his heart beat quicken at the sound they walked around town hand in hand Y/n pulling him into different shops and stalls looking around at what each keeper had. Before he took her to dinner the two dressed nicer than usual, Y/n in a cute f/c dress and Bellamy in a white button up the top four buttons undone and nice slacks. "What have you been doing the past two years?" Y/n asked Bellamy looked at her and rubbed the back on his head "you wouldn't like it if I told you" she said. Y/ paused looking at him with a frown "Bellamy" she said he laughed in response. "I've been off doing pirate things" he said she sighed "You worry me Bellamy" she said quietly. He gave her a reassuring smile "Don't worry Y/n you can come with me next time" he winked. Y/n smiled at  him a bit as their food arrived at the table. Y/n had got pasta and Bellamy had gotten a large steak. Y/n held her fork out to him pasta on the end which he took smiling. The two finished dinner quickly Bellamy paid the waiter before they walked to a clearing near the beach. The moon light illuminating everything there was a blanket laid out on the ground with a basket. Y/n looked at Bellamy and smirked "I never knew you could be such a romantic" she stated he faked being offended and chuckled the two sitting on the blanket pulling some fruit and whipped cream from the basket along with some melted chocolate. Y/n leaned her head against his chest looking at the stars. "This night has been so perfect" she said quietly turning to him. She offered him a piece of pineapple he accepted it before offering Y/n a chocolate strawberry she smiled and opened her mouth letting him feed her. They ate some of the fruit before relaxing "Y/n" Bellamy said "hm?" she hummed in content "Marry me?" he asked pulling a ring from the basket. Y/n grinned "Yes!" she kissed him letting him put the ring on her finger she grinned arms around his shoulders his hand rested on her lower back. "I love you Bellamy" she whispered sweetly "I love you to Y/n" he replied smirking pressing their lips together again before turning back to the stars. The two falling asleep in each others arms.

The End

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