Sabo x (Shy) Reader Encouragement

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Requested by himiko1009

Y/n L/n one of the revolutionary army's commanding officers a strong willed woman who makes decisions on a whim. But a certain blonde causes her to lose all confidence and become quite timid. She had just returned from a mission she carried a folder in her hand as she made her way towards Dragon's office. One of her close friends stopped her along the way. "Y/n!" Koala shouted she rushed towards Y/n throwing her arms over the girls shoulders. "Hi Koala" y/n laughed as the girl stood back letting her go. "How was your mission?" she asked "ah thing's didn't go entirely as planned" Y/n said rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly with an uneasy chuckle "anyway I have to get this report to dragon" y/n stated "I'll see you later Koala" She began to quickly make her way towards his office once again waving over her shoulder at Koala. 

Y/n knocked on the door hearing Dragon's voice call from the other side she turned the handle pushing the door open she stepped inside looking at the document in her hand. "Sir I've come with my report" she said lifting her head she grew tense her heart beating faster. "Oh welcome back y/n!" Sabo's smiling face came into view. She quickly turned into a stuttering mess and looked down at the folder fiddling with it. "H-hi Sabo" she replied quickly handing the folder over to Dragon who thanked her and flipped through it. "How was your mission y/n?" Sabo asked "Ah, it went alright not everything went as planned, But hey! At least I made it back" she said looking at her hands as she played with her shirt. Sabo laughed about to reply when he noticed her flinch and grip her side. "hey are you okay?" he asked Y/n's pained expression was enough to tell him something was wrong. She lifted the corner of her shirt dark purple and blue marks surrounded a sloppy bandage. "We need to get you to a doctor!" Sabo exclaimed. "N-no! I'm fine!" She stuttered out trying to avoid troubling him. "Y/n-" Sabo stopped as her legs gave out quickly reaching his hands out pulling her against his body to support her weight. Dragon rushed to call a medic "you're gonna be okay y/n" Sabo said soothingly.

Y/n sat in a white room on a white bed in a white robe. Sabo being the only spot of colour she could see in the room as he sat beside her bed. "The doctor said that you recieved mild blood poisoning from leaving your wound untreated" Sabo said. Y/n avoided his gaze and just nodded in response. "Do you  understand how serious this is y/n! You could have died!" Sabo scolded her. "I-im sorry I really thought it was going to be okay" she said quietly. "Jeez, I dont know what I would have done if I lost you" y/n finally found the courage to look him in the eye surprised at what he had said. "S-sabo" she mumbled "I care about you y/n and I would never forgive myself if you died" he stated placing his hand over hers. "Koala said you care for me too, so how about once you're all healed up we go on a date, dinner maybe?" He asked y/n smiled "that would be lovely" she said holding his hand.

The End

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