Reader x Doflamingo Beautiful Sights

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"Doffy slow down!" a young girl shouted chasing her friend. Her parents thought much like his only they would never give up their status. Doflamingo stopped and turned around grinning at Y/n "come on we're just about there" he exclaimed. Offering her his hand she took it letting him pull her along. "watch your step" y/n nodded following him deeper into the woods.

"Here" he said pointing up towards the ceiling y/n lifted her head and gasped. The trees branches were so intertwined it looked like stars spread across the night sky. "It's so beautiful!" "I knew you'd like it" y/n smiled turning her gaze to the boy beside her. "Promise me we'll be together forever?" Doflamingo smiled "I promise y/n" he kissed the back of her hand making her giggle.

Y/n ran through the crowd of people who surrounded the decending boat from Marie Jose. Rushing to get to the front she came to a stop after forcing her way through all the people. "You said forever!" She shouted. He held out his hand and she smiled tears slipping from the corners of her eyes. Y/n jumped over the edge he caught her in his arms hugging her. "I intend to keep that promise" he said.

Y/n hummed reminiscing at the memories she shared with her husband. "Lady y/n the young master requests your presence" Trebol said interrupting her thoughts. Y/n shut her book and stood from her spot in the grass. "Do you need an escort milady?" She shook her head adjusting the dark glasses over her eyes. "I can manage on my own" she stated making her way towards his office.

Her knuckles tapped the wooden door "come in" she pushed open the door and walked into the room. Closing the door behind her.  A familiar scent hit her nose and brought a smile to her face. "Come my love" his low voice danced through her ears as she turned around. He sat in the windowsill holding his hand out. Although she couldnt see him clearly she knew he was. He always did when he called for her.

Y/n placed her hand in his and he pulled her into his jacket her body against his chest. "I want to show you somthing" y/n lifted her head toward his face. Feeling his fingers trace circles against her back as he held her waist. "You always have the most beautiful places to go" she said. He chuckled at her words. "None are as beautiful as you my love" he said touching her cheek.

He held her close moving through the air her head tucked against his chest. Finding the spot he set her down taking her hand in his. "Fo you trust me?" "A little late to be asking me that don't you think?" She giggled as a grin pulled onto his lips. They proceeded towards a cave walking a couple of minutes before they stopped. "We're here" he said reaching up to pull her glasses from her face. Grey eyes met his and he showed her the cave. Gold swirled around her irises as the cave came into view she smiled the under ground waterfall and pool glowed. The sparkles on the walls "you never fail to impress me" "forever is a long time my dear, I have to keep you interested" he chuckled. Y/n smiled "you keep me entertained enough on your own" she tilted her head up kissing him softly. "I will keep the surprised coming" "and I will continue to love them" she said slipping her dress off before walking to the water winking at him over her shoulder.

The End

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