Reader x Niji A Prince's Promise

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A ship came to Germa carrying a princess and her family "Welcome to German King L/n queen L/n" Judge said with a charming smile. A young girl around 10 walked off the ship hiding behind her mother "This must be Princess Y/n" he added. "Thank you for inviting us to Germa Judge" King L/n said "It's my pleasure, allow me to introduce my children starting with my eldest son. Ichiji, Niji, Yonji and Reiju" he said "Say hello Y/n" her mother said. Y/n hesitated but stepped out from behind her "Hello" she said quietly "go play" King L/n said watching his daughter hesitate once again before approaching the other children. "so you're the princess dad's been fussing about all this time I'm Reiju" Y/n smiled shyly "These are my brother's Ichiji, Niji and Yonji" Reiju said. "It's nice to meet you" y/n said playing with her hands and brushing off her dress. "Come on let's go play" Yonji grinned grabbing Y/n's sleeve. They brought her to a courtyard and started to play tag y/n tripped and cut her knee she winced and looked at her torn stalking. "Are you okay?" she lifted her head to see Niji looking down at her a blank expression on his face. "I'll be okay it just stings" she said Niji did something that shocked everyone who had been watching he kneeled down and kissed her knee. Does it feel better now?" he asked her face flushed pink and she nodded "T-Thank you" she whispered. He offered her his hand and pulled her up flashing her a small smile. Y/n stared at him for a moment before smiling back "Do you guys want to play hide and seek?" Reiju asked. Everyone agreed and Niji took Y/n's hand I have all the best spots" he smirked pulling her along behind him. He walked into the kitchen Y/n noticed the staff tense at their presence he pulled her into the pantry it was huge just like at home. "Wow" she smiled watching him start to climb the shelf a secret compartment in the ceiling. "Come on" he said holding his hand down to her she climbed up taking his hand he pulled her inside. It was filled with chocolate Y/n watched him start to nibble on the chocolate. "here" he said offering her some. Y/n smiled taking it "Niji" she said quietly. "hm?" he hummed uninterested "My parent's say I have to marry you when we're of age, is that why you're being so nice to me?" she asked looking away. Niji thought about it for a moment Shrugging "You're cute too I guess" he said Y/n's face went red and she avoided his gaze. "You have some chocolate on your face" he said pointing at her "E-EH! where?" she asked "I'll get it" Niji said leaning forward he licked her cheek removing the chocolate with his tongue. "I- um thank you" she said quietly he smirked at her again before hearing Yonji and Ichiji and Reiju  enter the pantry. Niji Pushed y/n back into the corner the two hiding he pressed a finger against his lips signaling for her to keep quiet. Thinking they were gone the two relaxed before the secret door was yanked open causing Y/n to fall back "y/n!" Niji called reaching out arms wrapping around her as he pulled her backup. "Idiot's" he growled under his breath Y/n clung to his shirt eyes closed. He carried her down easily setting her next to Reiju before going after his brothers for being so careless. "This is quite unlike Niji" Reiju said Y/n looked up at her with a questioning look. "He has never done that for anyone outside the family" she said y/n just turned towards Niji who currently had his older brother in a headlock and his younger brother under his foot. Y/n giggled softly causing all three of them to look at her "Dinner is ready" someone called and the 5 walked to the dinning room. Dinner finished and the boat Y/n came on was preparing to leave Y/n stood in front of Niji "Thank you for catching me" she said putting a necklace into his hand. "I'll always catch you Princess" he said Y/n smiled and hugged him "Do you promise?" she whispered "I give you my word" he said. Y/n waved as the ship left her parent's standing behind her. "What did you think of Niji Y/n?" her mother asked "I like him" she smiled looking at the pin he had given her in exchange for the necklace. "did he give you that?" she asked Y/n nodded clutching it in her palm. 

8 years later 

A ship docked at Germa a princess was on it she waited with anticipation it had been so long since she had seen him. Y/n chewed her lips getting giddy at the thought of seeing him after so long. Y/n stood wearing a black leather jacket over a blue tank top, and Jeans. Running her fingers through her hair as she walked to the side of the ship preparing to get off her parent's would be coming in a few days for the wedding. Y/n stood in front of Judge "A pleasure to see you again Judge" Y/n said "Princess y/n the pleasure is all mine how you've grown I'm almost surprised what happened to that shy young girl you once were?" he asked. "She grew up" was all Y/n said before looking past him seeing his children standing waiting stoic expressions on their faces. She had expected them to be at least slightly excited to see her again after so long. "I'll let you get re-acquainted he smiled before heading back inside. "Y/n" Reiju finally smiled once her father had left "It's been to long" she said. Y/n nodded in agreement Ichiji and Yonji greeted her before finally Niji stepped forward. "Princess" he said "Prince" Y/n replied quirking her eyebrow. He smirked and offered her his arm. "did you miss me?" she asked quietly He chuckled "terribly" was the response she had received as he took her to lunch. That night Y/n found herself at his door she hesitated feeling the shy girl inside her begin to rise to the surface. Finally knocking on the door she heard mumbling and angry curses behind the door. A few moments passed before the door opened and there he stood half naked hair messy tired eyes hidden behind his glasses. "Y/n.... what are you doing here?" he asked she looked to the floor "I didn't mean to wake you I just had something to give you" she said he frowned slightly "what is it?" she held out the pin he had given her all those years ago. Niji reached into his pockets pulling out the necklace she had given him. Exchanging the items Y/n smiled at him "I'm sorry for bothering you I'll return to my room now" she said turning away he wanted to call her back and bring her into his chambers but decided against it watching her walk down the hall.

The day of their wedding came and y/n stood in front of a large mirror her mother sitting nearby Y/n looked amazing in the dress, it was the same dress her mother married her father in. Long and elegant but still loose around the waist and legs. "You look beautiful Y/n" her mother smiled. Y/n quietly thanked her putting on the necklace she had gotten back from Niji "Are you ready my dear?" Queen L/n asked Y/n nodded chewing on her lips as the veil was lowered over her face. The music began to play as Y/n walked next to her father Y/n stood in front of Niji who wore a tux the little pin on his collar. Y/n smiled to herself taking his hand half way through the ceremony the ground began to shake and Y/n wobbled her heels not giving her enough balance she began to tumble backwards when Niji caught her hand pulling her flush against his chest just like all those years ago. "thank you" she whispered "I made you a promise and I tend to keep that promise" he smirked. "you may now kiss the bride" the priest said Niji didn't wait any longer before pressing his lips against hers. Everyone clapped as the Germa army fought the apposing threat finishing the wedding NIji swept Y/n up off her feet and started walking back inside with everyone else throwing rice. 

The End

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