(Father) Mihawk x Reader (Mother)

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Requested by kiwipineapples Enjoy!

Mihawk had just finished another meeting with the other warlords. A waste of time as per usual he couldn't wait to return home to his beautiful Y/n and their new born child C/n. Thoughts ran ragged through his mind what would C/n be like when they grew up he hated leaving Y/n alone on the island especially when their child had just been born a few days before he had to leave. 

When Mihawk retuned he nearly ran to the room he shared with his beloved pulling open the doors to the large room his wife sat in a chair by the window humming softly as she rocked. Their child sleeping against her chest Mihawk quietly came up beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder gently kissing her cheek before looking down at their child. "You're home" she smiled "I rushed home a quickly I could" he said watching her stand laying their child in it's crib. "He was quite fussy once you left" Y/n said quietly brushing her finger against the baby's cheek. "He knew his papa was leaving" Y/n teased "I'm sorry my love" he said taking Y/n into his arms. "I know, I understand" Y/n looked up into his eyes watching as he began to lean down to kiss her. Just as their lips were about to meet C/N began to cry wide awake "A parent's job is never done" Y/n said turning to their child Y/n gently rocked back and fourth humming again.

Day's passed and the two were being run ragged "I could look after C/n for you Y/n" Perona said grinning. "Are you sure you could handle him Perona?" Y/n asked "Of course Y/n you and Mihawk should go on a date" she said wiggling her eyebrows. Y/n rolled her eyes "How do you think we got this little bundle of Joy" Y/n laughed. "Gross!" Perona replied giggling "A date wouldn't be such a bad idea you're sure about this Perona?" Y/n asked "Yes go get your man and get out of here!" Perona said taking C/n in her arms. Y/n hesitated but went t find her husband who was in the kitchen putting together C/n's bottle. "Darling" y/n purred wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders "Y/n? where's C/n?" Mihawk asked. "Perona is going to look after C/n so we can go out for a couple hours" Y/n said in a teasing tone. He turned to Y/n, her hands never leaving his body.  "Give the baby his bottle and let's go" Y/n breathed smiling The two found Perona handing her his bottle and giving her strict rules before heading to get ready to go. 

They sat in a restaurant silence filled the room and Y/n turned her head expecting to hear the sound of the baby crying. She sighed "This is hard" Y/n chuckled "Just think one day C/n will be grown and running around all about on their own" Mihawk said. "It's too early to think about that!" Y/n replied bringing her hands to her face. Mihawk laughed and it filled Y/n's heart with warmth. She reached across the table and took his hand in hers. She couldn't help but smile "I love you Mihawk" She whispered across the table. "I love you too Y/n" Their food came and Y/n's transponder snail began to ring. "Hello?" Y/n answered "Hi Y/n just checking in like you asked" Perona said Y/n could practically feel her eyeroll. "Alright everything is okay?" Y/n asked "Of course he's sleeping peacefully now" Perona said. "Alright We'll be home in a few hours call if anything happens" Y/n replied hearing Perona say bye before hanging up and returning to the meal in front of her. "C/n will be fine Y/n" Mihawk said Y/n nodded "I'm sure he will" she mumbled taking a bite of her food. She let out a content sigh "This is so good!" Y/n smiled offering him a bite. Which he took after a short pause he offered her a bite of his which she took happily. "So good" she smiled looking up at him Mihawk smiled watching her eat her food a bit on her cheek Mihawk reached across the table wiping it from her face like he would a child. Y/n looked up at him her face red from embarrassment After dinner the couple took a walk down the beach. Y/n held Mihawks hand feeling the waves lap at her feet. She looked up at him "I couldn't have asked for a better family" Y/n said Mihawk stopped at the dock and turned to Y/n. "Y/n my love, I have a question for you" he said beginning to kneel down Y/n brought a hand to her face. "Y/n you and C/n are the best thing to happen to me would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked Y/n brought her hands to her face and looked at him wiping away the tears in her eyes "yes! of course!" Y/n said as he placed the ring on her finger standing up to kiss her. "My forever and always" she said between kisses "And you're mine" he replied taking picking her up and carrying her back to the boat. 

The End

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