Reader x Sabo - Drunk

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Thanks for the request @MirandaMingoth I hope this works! omo

Y/n walked down a hall with Koala following in suit. "Come on Y/n just admit it!" the girl called Y/n furiously shook her head "Leave me alone Koala!" Y/n replied with a long sigh. She stopped in front of the mess hall starting to push the door open "Come on just admit that you like him!" Koala said giggling. Y/n was about to start yelling at Koala when someone piped up "like who?" the two turned seeing Ivan standing there. Koala ran over to Ivan whispering in their ear with a smirk watching Y/n roll her eyes walking across the room to get her late lunch. Ivan giggled along side Koala watching Y/n collect a sandwich an apple and a bottle of water. "Oh! Y/n!" you should um maybe do you want to sit with me?" Sabo's voice broke out. Y/n looked over a blank look on her face before nodding "Um sure" she replied quietly sitting across from him. "Have you been working hard?" he asked she paused before nodding silently. She was visibly tense as she slowly ate pulling out a bunch of papers from her bag a pen in hand she started filling them out. "What's that for?" he asked she held up a finger before swallowing her food. "It's um- Dragon asked me to fill out some forms from the last 'mission' he sent me on" she said using air quotes. He nodded a bit in understanding as they finished their food. "It was lovely eating with you Y/n" Sabo smiled she smiled back "Maybe we could do this again sometime?" Sabo asked watching her expression change to shock she looked down at her hands "U-um that would be nice" she said looking back up. He nodded "It's a date then Er- not a date I mean!" Y/n's laughter caused him to stop before looking at her. It was the first time he'd ever heard her laugh "I'll see you then Sabo" she smiled walking towards the door. Ivan, Koala and Dragon hid behind the counter watching the two. Sabo rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly his face a light pink. "What a lovely girl" he mumbled before heading out of the mess hall. Koala, Dragon and Ivan looked at each other grinning mischievously. Y/n walked into her room sitting at her desk she heard a knock at the door. "Come in" she called not bothering to look up "I have you kettle Miss L/n" a woman said. "thank you just put it over there" she said  pointing while writing on a paper. The woman did as she was asked before leaving. Y/n stood up walking across the room and pouring herself some tea before sitting back down. Sipping it as she worked away till past midnight finishing the pot she stood up to return the pot to the kitchen wobbling a bit she shook her head and picked it up before locking the door to her room and heading towards the kitchen. She continued to wobble down the hall way her hand on the wall she entered the Mess hall. "Oh! Y/n! it's a rare occurrence to see you twice in 24 hours- not that that's a bad thing or anything!" Sabo panicked talking she giggled taking a step before falling foreword into Sabo. "Whoa!" he said before hearing her burst out into small fits of laughter. Sabo stared at her trying to hold her up he directed her to a seat which resulted in her clinging to his chest whilst sitting in his lap. "W-what's gotten into you Y/n?" he asked looking into her e/c eyes looking for a clue before the smell of alcohol hit his nose he took the kettle that she had been holding and smelled it. A scowl on his face from the pungent smell he set it on the table before picking her up feeling her cuddling into his chest. "Sabo" she said suddenly as he walked to the door "Yes Y/n?" he asked softly. "your so cute" she said giggling away as he walked his face pink. He felt her brush his hair out of his face causing him to gasp before tensing. She traced the edge of his scar her face becoming a little serious. "I'm gonna find the man that did this to you Sabo" she mumbled determined. "Don't worry about it Y/n" he replied with a reassuring smile she shook her head "I've been working on tracking them down for the past couple years" she yawned. Sabo stopped walking for a moment looking down at her she looked like a little kid. "why?" he asked she grinned cheekily "I love you Sabo" she said before starting to drift off "Y-You what?!" he shouted in alarm probably waking a few of the others. "I love you" she repeated as he stopped in front of her door "I-I- Y/n your drunk, where's your key?" he asked before watching her shrug. A sigh escaped his lips before he took her to his room laying her down in his bed. She stripped off her jacket and he pulled off her boots setting them on the floor. Looking back up to see she had discarded her sword onto the floor with her jacket, belt and a few other accessories before laying back in the bed. Sabo chuckled putting all her things on his dresser getting ready to sit at his desk when she called out to him. "Sabo will you stay with me?" she asked in a sleepy voice. He reluctantly sat beside her as she hugged his waist before she cuddled against him nad fell asleep.

The next morning she yawned feeling a hand on her head and a soft snoring. She tensed before looking up about to say something when her head started pounding. "Ow, Ow, Ow" she mumbled rolling over and sitting up looking down at herself she wore her usual skirt and white blouse but it was in buttoned and half untucked. She groaned again before falling back onto the bed as the memories of the night before flooded her mind. She pressed a pillow to her face "Y/n?" Sabo's voice met her ears and she looked up. "y-yes?" she asked embarrassed "how's your head?" he asked "hurts like hell" she muttered before feeling the bed shift putting the pillow back down her h/c hair messily around her head. Sabo held out a glass of water and a white pill "Thanks Sabo" she said sitting up taking the pill before drinking the water. He took the glass and returned it to the night stand she started getting dressed again. "S-so do you remember anything from last night?" Sabo asked as she was in the middle of buttoning up her shirt about to respond when the door flew open.  Koala stood there with Ivan and Dragon the glare on Y/n's face was enough to send the three running "Sorry Sabo i'll get back to you on that at in a bit ok?" she said leaving her things in his room before sprinting out the door after the three. Sword in hand "I can't believe you!" she shouted a loud crash was heard followed by some curses and other things. Before Y/n walked into the kitchen a mess an angry she collected some things before heading back to Sabo's room Y/n knocked on the door. Her expression softening as he opened the door holding up breakfast "an apology for you having to take care of me last night" Y/n said. He smiled and accepted letting her in she recollected her things putting everything in it's proper place smoothing out her hair and slipping on her jacket. Y/n sat across from Sabo on his bed "To answer your question from before" she mumbled face pink she took a deep breath "I meant everything I said" Y/n told him. He nearly choked hearing those words looking up to see her looking away from him. He smirked a bit before leaning towards her and kissing her cheek. "I love you too Y/n and thanks" he said she looked at him her face even redder than before. "I-um! you-your welcome" she mumbled before smiling at him "So wanna go on a real date?" he asked she smirked a bit "I suppose I could make the time to" she said and Sabo fist pumped into the air. "How about noon?" he asked she paused for a moment before nodding "that's perfect" she grinned before standing up. "Thanks for taking care of me last night Sabo" she said hugging him. "Of course" he said before watching her head out the door cheering to himself.

Koala, Ivan and Dragon sat with their arms crossed pouting beaten up. "I can't believe her after we scored her the guy she treats us like this" Koala grumbled "just be happy for them Koala it'll always end up like this" Ivan said. Watching Y/n and Sabo walk by holding hands "at least our plan worked out in the end" Dragon said.

The End

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