(Male) Boa x (Fem) Reader Meeting (fluff)

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Requsted by SilverDFuyuki

Sorry for the long break my laptop broke and I had to get a new one sorry sorry it's not amazing I think this is one of the most challenging requests I've gotten anyway hopefully you all Enjoy it!

Y/n sat on a ship silently arms crossed over her chest "We're almost there ma'am" one of the marines called to her from below. Y/n was beautiful, though her looks only being one of her many features. Y/n stood up from her spot the long thick jacket she wore moved as she walked towards the head of the ship. Her eyes narrowed she never cared for the meetings nor the burden of the world government but everything she did was to protect her people. She ran her fingers through her hair and prepared to leave the ship A few people ran after her as she began to walk towards the building "Lady Y/n! please wait ma'am!" she listened to them call to her but with the wave of her hand she replied "I know where I'm going" Y/n continued to walk suddenly colliding with someone. "Watch where your going" a man's voice replied y/n lifted her head seeing a tall man looking up at the ceiling. "It is good to see you again as well Boa" y/n stated crossing her arms over her chest as Boa moved to look Y/n in the eye his broad chest showing Y/n couldn't lie that we was handsome but it was easy to hold her composure. "walk with me" Y/n demanded taking him by surprise but he obliged walking with Y/n "how have things been on that island of yours?" Y/n asked "Fine, how is your band of misfits" he replied looking away from her. "We make due with what we have" Y/n replied that peaked Boa's interest slightly but decided not to question it. Y/n threw the doors open to the meeting room attracting everyone's attention "Late as per usual" Moria said "Was there something you wanted to say to me Moria? I would be happy to hear it" Y/n smile although beautiful was sinister. He swallowed before shaking his head. Y/n took a seat beside Boa and crossed her legs as the marine began to talk. 

The meeting ended "We've prepared rooms for you to stay in as we weren't expecting the meeting to run this long" The admiral said looking around the room. It had been completely trashed Y/n sat in her chair hair a mess, clothes out of place needless to say she was in better condition than a few others sitting at the table. Y/n stood up and turned towards the door "Perhaps some people will learn to keep their mouths shut" Y/n stated dusting her hands off she walked out of the room and she was immediately bombarded by her entourage they began to question her excessively and y/n felt a little overwhelmed. "Y/n" she turned hearing her name Boa stood hands on his hips. "I believe we have business to attend" he stated offering her his hand. The small group of girls that had surrounded y/n had gone silent for a moment before gushing over Boas handsomeness. Y/n took his hand and allowed him to lead her away from the screaming girls.

They stood on the balcony attached to his room. "Thank you Boa" Y/n smiled a bit looking at the water below. "You're different than most y/n" he stated catching her off guard. She looked towards Boa and saw him leaning carelessly against the railing. Y/n had never seen him so defenseless and relaxed. He looks at her and smiled slightly she could feel her heart racing in her chest. "I'm different?" Y/n questioned and he turned back to look at the stars. "I feel... calm when you're around although you can be rather rowdy I feel like I can let my guard down" he said. Y/n smiled to herself "that's my goal" y/n replied feeling his eyes fall on her. "I want to make the world feel safe for the people I care about" y/n said she had a determined look on her face. "I want to be strong to protect my friends and loved ones" she added. Boa chuckled to himself "what?" Y/n questioned he shook his head "you just remind me of a young girl I met" he said looking her in the eye. "Y/n" Boa said y/n gave him a questioning look Boa held his hand out and y/n took it. When unexpectedly Boa pulled her against his chest hugging her. Y/n paused before letting her arms come around his torso returning the hug releasing all the tension from her body. "Boa" y/n said looking up at him. "I care about you and I want you to feel safe too" she stated boldly. Seeing a gentle smile on his face. "Thank you y/n" he replied the two stayed like that for a while longer before deciding to retire to bed that was the beginning of a wonderful relationship bringing their two groups together.

The end

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