Reader x Killer My girl

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This was requested by @funstar42 here it is! I hope you enjoy! ^-^

The kid pirates had just docked on an island that was real shady. Y/n was instructed to stay on the ship by her brother Eustass Kid. Y/n and kid were polar opposites he was a hot headed jerk and she was a kind and polite young lady. Y/n was currently sat in the crows nest of the ship looking at the clouds silently waiting for someone to return to the ship. She heard voices and one of the squeaky boards on the deck creak. Y/n stood up expecting it to be someone from the crew to her dispointment it was thieves trying to steal from the ship. Instead of staying in her spot and letting them steal from the ship. Y/n jumped over the side of the crows nest and went down on deck a soft thud as her bare feet made contact with the hard wood. "I don't believe that belongs to you" Y/n stated arms crossed her. The group turned to her "lookin what we Ave ere boys!" One of the rather crusty looking men shouted. "Leave da loot let's take er instead!" The man she assumed was the leader shouted. "Hey! Put me down!" Y/n called as she easy tied up and tossed over someone shoulder. She continued to flail and kick for a while she spotted killer and called out to him but a hand was pressed again her lips. He turned towards her seeing them taking her they hoisted her up onto a horse as Killer came running over "Let go of her!" He shouted his scyths coming from his arm guards. The thieves had rode off with Y/n Killer cursed himself "Killer! Where's Y/n?" Kid's voice came from the ship. Killer sprinted back to the ship and gave Kid a quick run down of what happened. Kid was furious he practically had steam coming from his ears."I'm gonna kill those bastard!" Kid shouted. "Captain please calm down, Losing your temper won't resolve anything" Killer said Kid nodded "your right" he muttered before walking inside. Killer started to devise a plan to save Y/n. Kid may have been pissed but Killer was even more mad he could barely keep his composure.

Y/n was sat on the floor in a cell her hands and feet shackled. A exasperated sigh left her lips. "I can't believe I let them take me" she muttered shaking her head when he remembered the transponder snail Killer had given her that morning. She pulled it out and called him with it. "Come on pick up, pick up" she mumbled *kerchak* "hello? Y/n is that you?" Killers voice spoke filled with worry. "Yeah its me Killer" she replied. "Are you ok?" He asked slight relief in his tone. "I'm alright they've got me locked up in a cell" she replied. "Can you give me any details about where you are?" He asked "they took me to a pub in the outskirts of town I didn't catch the name thought" Y/n said. "we'll be there to get you soon" Killer said. "Ok" Y/n replied a loud squeak was heard it was the sound of the cell door opening. "Who are you talking to! Is that a transponder snail! Gimme that!" Followed by a scream was all Killer heard before he announce that they needed to go get Y/n now.

The group left the ship and split into groups searching pubs along the outskirts of the town. "Where are you Y/n" Killer mumbled to himself walking into another pub he saw a few men in there that he saw taking her. "HEY YOU!" Killer shouted catching their attention. "You took my girl from the ship I want her back" Killer stated his scyths coming out again. The men in the pub laughed "one measly man is gonna take all of us? I don't think so" one of the men said Killer gritted his teeth before a smirk pulled onto his lips behind his mask he moved swiftly around the room taking down everyone that crossed his path. Until he finished with them all he walked into the back seeing a stair case going down he saw cells "Y/n?" He called "Killer?" Her soft voice called. Killer ran to the cell she was in breaking the lock on the cell door she stood up and ran to him. He noticed a red mark on her cheek "did they hurt you?" He asked examining the mark. "That one guy slapped my but I'm fine" she replied her e/c shinning with her smile. Killer lifted the bottom of his mask and planted a tender kiss on her lips. "I'm so glad your safe" Killer said Y/n smiled her cheeks dusted pink. "I'm glad you came to save me my knight in shinning armor" she replied. The two heard someone clear their throat the two looked over seeing kid arms crossed a smirk on his lips. "So when were you going to tell me?" He asked. "We werent" Y/n said with a giggle. Killer smiled behind his mask happy to have her as his girl.

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