Killer x Reader Burlesque

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An//: sorry this one is short but hopefully you all enjoy it! 

"Y/n!" a young woman lifted her head upon hearing her name her brother was shouting at her. "Relax I'm right here Kid" she said quietly holding a hand up towards him "we're docking soon I need you to make sure you're ready to go" Kid stated calming down. She nodded and turned to get ready aside from Kid she shared a room with the ships first mate Killer. Stepping into the room she changed pulling on a pair of light blue skinny jeans, followed by a tight f/c tank top slipping a jacket over top and her boots. Y/n walked out of the room heels clicking against the wood as she walked. She stood on deck "Land straight ahead!" Killer called from the crows nest. Y/n looked up at him before walking over to her brother "Give me the list" she said holding her hand out "here take whatever men you need with you" he said. Y/n scoffed "It'll be faster if I do it myself" she replied tucking the list into her pockets her body began to disappear into the wind. 

After an hour she had collected all of the supplies and returned it to the ship getting the men posted there to put it away. "Where did my brother go?" Y/n asked "he went with some of the men to the a show in town" the pirate said. Y/n nodded and made her way into town she stepped into the building it was a burlesque half naked girls danced to music. Y/n smirked to herself shaking her head she sat at the bar ordering herself a drink. Her eyes moved across the room looking for her brother. His fiery red hair was hard to miss he had a girl sitting in his lap while Killer and Heat sat on either side of him Wire on the end. Y/n's gaze stuck on the back of Killer's head she sipped her drink before standing up walking around to the back of the stage talking to the girls Y/n smiled "Of course come on stage with us Y/n!" one of the girls smiled "Thank you" Y/n said she grabbed a mask from the counter. Music began to play and Y/n walked to the front of the stage adjusting the mask over her face her body moved with the music the second her mouth opened and the words began to flow from her lips. The crew recognized her voice she moved her hands to her jacket slowly slipping it from her shoulders she tossed it over her brothers head. She heard him curse and withheld the chuckle that almost left her lips. Y/ns hands traveled across her body she walked across the stage the other girls followed in suit. Y/n continued to move to the music she stepped onto the table Killer sat at stepping from the table to a chair then the floor she took a seat in Killers lap pulling at the bottom of his mask she pulled hers up and pressed her lips against his as the song ended. She could hear cheering from the other patrons in the place. She smirked to herself pulling her mask off and setting it on the table behind her. "Y/n" Killer said quietly she hummed before he threw her over his shoulder. "You've really done it now Y/n" he teased Y/n giggled letting him carry her away "Kid! Bring my jacket back to the ship!" she yelled laughing. Kid looked at Y/n then Killer and shook his head. 

The End

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