(Cold hearted) Reader x Luffy Winter Days

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Requested by himiko10 this is a little OC kinda. Maybe not 100% cold hearted but I couldnt help it!

Y/n sat on her island a cold island ice and snow surrounding her she sat with a sword in her lap watching the ocean a little ways away. Suddenly a loud yell caught her by surprise as someone's head collided with her body knocking her over. She shook the snow off her head and looked behind her seeing a boy with a distinct scar on his cheek. "What the hell? Who are you?" She glared. "Oh! Sorry about that!" He laughed sitting up. Y/n stared at him brushing the snow off her jacket. "Who are you?" She asked he grinned "me? I'm Monkey D Luffy" he said. "L/n y/n" she replied "what are you doing out here? No one travels out this far" she said. "Actually, I'm lost and starving!" He said. She sighed standing up "damn tourists" she mumbled gesturing for him to follow her.

They walked for a while before arriving at a house built into the side of a mountain smoke coming out the chimney. She walked to the door pushing it open he stepped inside behind her closing the door. She hung her jacket and took off her boots before walking to the kitchen she put a plate on the table "eat" she stated. "Thanks!" Luffy said sitting at the table and quickly eating everything on the plate. She watched slightly amused as he finished letting out a happy sigh a few bits of rice on his face. "That was great!" He said "I'll take you back to the town" she said. The two left after warming up and began their trek towards the town. The snow began to come down harder they moved to cross a deep river Luffy stopped to look over the edge a loud crack and crumble followed by a splash caused y/n to turn around seeing Luffy had fallen into the water. She pulled off her jacket and boots diving into the water after him. She swam down towards him grasping his hand she pulled him up to the surface pushing him onto the bridge she began to feel incredibly colder as the wind picked up. She put her hands on his chest performing CPR he sat up spitting out a large amount of water. She slipped her jacket back on shivering he stood up "thanks!" He said. "We had best get moving before we freeze to death" she said rubbing her hands together.

About 10 more minutes of walking they made it into town the two freezing. "Luffy! There you are!" A girl called running over. Y/n felt hot even though she was freezing dizziness took over her and she fell into Luffy he quickly caught her. "Y/n?" His voice sounded so distant "Chopper!" Luffy shouted as y/n's eyes closed.

When she woke up her head felt heavy and her body aching. "Where am I" she whispered "you're finally awake!" She looked to the side seeing a reindeer. She attempted to sit up but stopped her "you should rest longer, I'll tell Luffy you're awake" he said. Walking to the door after a few minutes the door opened quickly. "Y/n!" He grinned "where are we?" She asked. "On my ship!" He said sitting on the counter nearby. The reindeer came back into the room standing on a step stool as he took her temperature. "My name is chopper I'm the ships doctor" he said. "The extreme temperatures must have taken a toll on you you've got hypothermia" he said. Y/n noticed they two were visibly sweating the room hot. "Probably from when I saved you" she stated bluntly crossing her arms. Luffy began to pout her words were sharp "come on Y/n hurry up and get better!" He said.

A few days passed and Luffy would bother her while she was forced to rest. She met a few of the other members of the crew she was finally getting better and Chopper permitted her to walk around. She stood up and stretched leaving to wander around the ship. She subconsciously found herself looking for Luffy she found him sitting in the kitchen harassing Sanji for food. "Do you ever think of anything other than food" she stated coolly as she walked into the room. "Ah! Y/n my dear y/n!" Sanji sang. She glared slightly "you're annoying" she sighed. "You're so cute when your trying to be cold!" He cheered as he began to put food on the table. "Y/n! You're up! Let's eat and go play!" He said. "You're like a kid" she said as chopper came into the room. "Luffy, y/n is still healing she can't over do it!" He said scolding him. Luffy whined eating his food. "Here you go my dear" Sanji said placing a plate down in front of her with a smile. Y/n sat beside Luffy and began eating slowly she noticed his hand creep over and she pushed her plate towards him not feeling all that hungry anyway. He finished eating "come on y/n!" He said grabbing her hand and pulling her along. Luffy took her all over the ship she yawned "Luffy I'm tired" she said. He nodded walking into the boys dormitory he sat on his bunk patting beside him she stared at him for a minute before sitting down letting him pull her towards him she felt herself falling asleep against the soft blanket he had wrapped around her.

A few hours later chopper and a few others went looking for the two. Chopper pushed open the door to the dormitory "hey you guys I found them!" He called whispering. Nami and the others walked over peeking inside seeing the two curled up in Luffy's bunk. "Heh, those two are adorable" Franky said. "I think it's safe to assume we'll have a new addition to the crew soon" Robin smiled.

The End

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