Myukuru x male Charlotte Reader (Fluff)

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Requested by paultiteuf360

Y/n wasn't like the other kid's in his family he wanted to follow his own dreams and not follow his mothers. Because of this his siblings would pick on his ruthlessly to try and change y/n's mind. One day after another session of being tormented by his siblings. Y/n snuck into the mirror world wandering around just wanting to be alone for a while. Y/n wandered around before suddenly hearing a voice "I swear someone else is in here" Brulee's voice echoed through the mirror world talking to another sibling. Y/n rushed to find a place to hide stumbling and falling through one of the mirrors his hands hit a hard wooden floor. looking around the dark room the only source of light being a small window near the ceiling. A loud voice met his ears it was heading towards the door. 

The door swung open and light filled the room "Well what do we have here?" y/n looked up seeing a girl with rather long arms. He recognized her from around whole cake island. To say he was scared was an understatement she picked him up looking him over "Who are you?" she asked "Y-Y/n Charlotte" he stuttered out. The girl grinned "My names Myukuru, nice to meet you little brother" she said placing him down on the ground. "How did you get on my ship?" she asked "The other's pick on me so I ran away into the mirror world and I fell out here" he said pointing at the mirror behind him. "Well you don't have to worry about that here" she stated. 

The two sat spending time together so that they could get to know one another. Myukuru told him about the long arm tribe, and told him stories about the adventures Big mom had sent her on. Y/n Yawned and Myukuru smiled picking him up and resting him against her hip. His hands grabbed onto her shirt and she carried him to her room. Upon arriving at Whole cake island Myukuru shook y/n gently awake he opened his eyes yawning quietly Myukuru couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. "Come on kiddo it's time to go" she said y/n followed her off the ship. "Alright Y/n, I've got to go report to mama, but we'll be staying on the island for a while feel free to come visit me anytime!" she said heading inside. 

Y/n came to see Myukuru everyday and she would tell him stories and cook for him most days he would fall asleep and she would carry him back to his room and tuck him into bed. Myukuru was leaving in a few days on another journey for big mom, She noticed that Y/n hadn't come to see her that day. Myukuru decided to investigate heading to his room she knocked on the door quietly. "Y/n are you in there?" she called. There was no response so she opened the door seeing Y/n sitting on his bed facing away from her. "Y/n?" Myukuru said "Hi, Myukuru" he said turning to look at her with a big cheery grin. Myukuru gasped seeing he had a black eye and a few cuts and bruises. "what happened to you!" she asked scooping him up and taking him to fix his wounds. 

"I got into a fight with some of the other kids" Y/n said as Myukuru sat him down. "Why were you fighting?" she asked cleaning his wounds "The other kids kept calling you a monster, and they started to chant monster arms they wouldn't stop" he said pouting a few tears pricking his eyes. I got mad and told them to stop and they beat me up" she said. "Let them say what they want y/n, your safety is more important" she said

Myukuru really appreciated his effort to defend her, but she would much rather have him safe than not. "Why are the other kids so mean to me Myukuru?" Y/n asked rubbing his eyes angrily. "Well Y/n, Mama raises us to be ruthless, killers and overall bad, in order to help her dream come true" she explained. "I was picked on a lot as a kid too, but it only made me stronger!" she said throwing one of her hands up. "We're a family Y/n, we've got to stick together, not all of our siblings are bad Katakuri protected me when I was young, now it's my turn to help you" she said smiling down at him. "I think you're cute and pretty big sister, you're not a monster" He said jumping into her arms she laughed hugging him as she spun around "You're too sweeet Y/n thank you" she said kissing his cheek. "come on let's go play for while!" Myukuru said taking Y/n now patched up to play for a while. "Myukuru, can I sleep with you tonight?" he asked. "Of course!" she replied hugging him again their cheeks squishing together.

The End

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