Portgas D Ace x Reader Sinking Ships

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Y/n sat on the Moby Dick she was the first commander's sister and she would never admit it but she was in love with the second commander. She was currently up on the mast listening to her brother argue with his best friend. As she watched the horizon "Oi! Y/n! Come down here and help us settle this!" Ace called up to her she looked down at them with a smirk pushing herself off the mast she landed on her feet. "What?" she asked "Whose flames are hotter mine or Marcos?" Ace asked she looked between the two "Really?" she asked "Just answer the question she rolled her eyes "Sorry Marco, But Ace's flames burn hotter, A phoenix's flames are soft and are more meant for healing than burning" she explained with a sheepish smile. Marco crossed his arms over his chest "Come on Y/n! You're my sister you're suppose to take my side!" she said she laughed "Sorry Bro" she said shrugging. Ace threw his arm over her shoulders pulling her into his side looked down feeling her face heat up embarrassed. Marco smirked at her crossing his arms as Ace boasted Marco knew how Y/n felt and it took all his energy not to call her out right then and there.

"Alright Ace that's enough let go of Y/n before you crush her" Thatch commented pulling Y/n away from him. Ace chuckled and Y/n stepped away from Thatch "Alright how about everyone stops pulling on me please" she said holding her hands up Ace caught her hand pulling her into a dip he was about to say something but he was cut off. "Oi! Quit fooling around down there We've got ships incoming!" Jozu shouted from the crows nest. Y/n pulled away from Ace and moved to the side of the ship leaning over the railing and looking behind the ship. There was a large fleet of pirates chasing them. "They must be stupid" Ace stated she looked over her shoulder at him as he pushed his hat up with a finger. He walked towards the side of the ship jumping onto his striker the flames building up around him he sped towards the oncoming fleet. Y/n looked at Marco who nodded in response one by one the ships were blown up she ran towards the back of the ship jumping over the railing large bird wings sprouted from her back catching the air she flew towards the ships Marco following close behind. "Oi! Ace be carful!" she shouted looking towards him he looked up at her smirking she touched her shoulder pulling a sword from her body she dove towards one of the ships landing on deck slicing through enemies left and right she heard cannon fire and turned kicking the pirate who fired off the ship into the water.

"Y/n!" Marco called to her she looked back at him wings moving she lifted from the ship watching it begin to burn she looked down at Ace feeling her heart beat hard against her chest he looked so serious "Y/n! Watch out!" she pulled herself from her thoughts as a cannon ball hit her exploding. She felt her body begin to fall from the sky Marco dove towards her if she hit the water it was probable she would die due to them all being Devil fruit users none of them could swim. She felt an intense heat "I got you Y/n" she let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding in and looked at Ace "Are you alright?" he asked she nodded letting him stand her up. "What happened it's not like you to let yourself be a target like that" Ace said she looked away "I was.....distracted" she stated. "Distracted huh?" he questioned not believing her the last ships began to retreat. Y/n moved her wings "Go back to the ship" he said looking at the retreating ships "Ace-" he cut her off lifting his hand "That's an order Y/n as second division commander" he stated Y/n looked away taking off without another word his boat rocked from the force. She landed on the ship with a thud her wings retracting she stormed into the ship. 

Marco knocked on her door she didn't respond "Y/n open the door before I knock it down" he said. He heard the lock click and walked inside she sat in the chair in the corner book in hand. "What do you want?" she asked "Why are you cooped up in here?" she closed the book setting it on the desk. "Because he's become too much of a distraction" she said refusing to look her brother in the eye. Marco looked at her "Nothing will change if you don't admit it to yourself" he replied turning to leave "Marco" she said "What?" looking over his shoulder "Shut up" he laughed walking out of the room. He was right she laid on her bed a long sigh leaving her lips. A while later she heard another knock "y/n dinners ready" Ace's voice came through the door. She wandered down to the dinner hall taking her seat "Hey Y/n how are you feeling?" Thatch asked sitting beside her she shrugged "I feel fine" she said. As the words left her mouth she felt a sharp pain in her chest she winced bringing her hand up to her chest. "Ah, Spoke too soon I guess" she chuckled wincing it became hard to breath. "Someone call the doctor!" Thatch called Y/n started to cough blood splattering from her lips.

Y/n laid in the infirmary she had a few broken ribs one of them perforated her lung y/n stared at the dull ceiling silently. There was a gentle knock before the door opened Ace stood beside her "Y/n" she looked to the side looking up at Ace who had a stern look on his face. "I told you to go back to the ship because I was worried about your safety" he said. "I overheard your conversation with Marco" Y/n looked away her face tinted pink "Ace I-" he cut her off "I don't know what I would do if you got hurt because of me, I have feelings for you y/n that are more than friends" he stated. She looked at him surprised to hear those words come out of his mouth. "you're not just saying that are you? I'll never forgive you if you are!" she sat up "Lay back down!" he said concerned. she smiled "Ace you're my brothers best friend and we'll I've loved you forever" she laughed at herself awkwardly embarrassed. "Y/n give me your hand" he said she hesitated but placed her hand in his. He kissed her knuckles "When you're healed I'll give you a real kiss her winked. Y/n giggled and laid back down he sat beside her talking until she fell asleep. He kissed her forehead "Goodnight Y/n" he smiled looking down at her before leaving the room.

The End 

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