Reader x Eustass Kid Winter Adventure

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Y/n laid curled beneath her large comforter sleeping peacefully until her boyfriend got up to get ready for the day. His Warmth quickly faded causing y/n to shiver pulling the blanket closer to her body. Her eyes slowly opened seeing her breath create a fog the sound of the shower stopped and she slowly sat up keeping the blanket firmly wrapped around her body. 

Kid walked into their shared bedroom from the adjacent bathroom A towel barely hanging from his hips y/n's eyes traveled up his body meeting his eyes through his damp hair as he lifted his arms stretching. A smirk plastered across his lips "See something you like?" he questioned "aren't you cold?" she asked he shrugged walking to get dressed. "We should be arriving at the island today" Y/n said Kid nodded "I know" he walked over to her having finished getting dressed. "Come on get dressed" he said his sweeter side beginning to show as he kissed her forehead before leaving. 

Y/n groaned before reluctantly leaving her warm spot for a shower. Once she was dressed y/n left for the kitchen where the cooks were making breakfast. She ate with Heat and Wire who talked only about the weather. Finally making her way outside she saw the ship was covered in snow that continued to fall from the sky. "cold enough for ya?" one of the boys asked "I could go years without the snow" y/n complained causing the boy to laugh. She continued walking towards her boyfriend and captain seeing his grumpy expression soften slightly when she came into view. 

Y/n stood beside him "We'll be there within the hour" he said. "we're going after the rumors right?" she asked "yeah be prepared" y/n walked back into the ship getting a bag ready filling it with gear and ration. As it was unknown to how long they would be on the island. She heard shouting from outside and quickly made her way on deck seeing a large island covered in snow and mountains. "Ready when you are Captain!" she called mocking a salute Kid smirked shaking his head as he barked orders at his men.

Everyone split into groups and left for the island Y/n walked ahead of Kid and their group keeping her eyes open for any trouble. They walked for hours everyone was tired and cold "captain, I've found a spot for us to rest awhile" y/n said. She lead the group to a cave covered with ice, the ice insulated it well and blocked the harsh wind. Y/n wandered further into the cave "Y/n" Kid called she stopped and turned to look at him "don't wander off too far" he said she nodded smiling. She continued into the cave pulling what Kid called an 'infinity lighter' it burned bright and only went out when the cap closed. He had made it for her as an anniversary present. She entered a cavern that was beautiful taking a few steps further into the room she admired the way the ice had frozen. Taking another step she heard a crack she looked down seeing the ice beneath her foot had begun to crack. It was only now she realized the floor was entirely made of ice a long drop beneath her feet. 

She made an attempt to backtrack but that only resulted in the ice to crack more. "Kid!" she called after a few moments he came running into the room. "Stop!" she said holding her hands up "the ice" she said motioning towards her feet. Kid held out his hand "don't move I'm going to come to you" he said. "I don't think that's such a good idea" she said "If I use my power I could shatter all of the ice" he said she nodded watching as he carefully slid towards her across the ice she reached towards his hand carefully grasping it once he was close enough he was about to quickly pull her to the ice that was a little thicker when it quickly began to shatter beneath her feet. She let out a yell his grip tightened pulling her towards him. 

"Hold onto me" he said she wrapped her arms around him tightly as the rest of the floor gave away. Y/n help back a scream as they began to fall. Kid used repel to try and slow their fall as best he could. His back collided with the ground knocking the air out of his her coughed and y/n was quick to get up and tend to him. "I shouldn't have gone so far" she said to his as he sat up "don't worry about it, you may have brought us closer to the treasure" he said smirking he pointed towards a large stone archway. She helped him up "are you alright?" she asked "I'll be fine" he assured her and they began walking down the hallway. Y/n subconsciously took Kid's hand in hers he was quick to lock their hands together.

"look a light" y/n said pointing up ahead of them. He grinned "I think we've found it!" he exclaimed. They entered the room a large tree with pale blue leaves stood tall in the middle a white fruit with patterns along it. Kid approached the tree "will you do the honors?" he asked kneeling down. Y/n giggled and climbed up onto his shoulders he stood up holding onto her legs she reached up and grabbed the fruit plucking it from it's spot she got off his shoulders and handed him the fruit. Kid smiled looking it over "Come on let's get this back to the ship" he said tucking it into his jacket y/n nodded. Heading towards the only other door in the room they were finally outside. "How lucky" y/n said stretching happy to finally be out of the cave. 

Her smile quickly faded as a horde of Lapahns attacked them y/n reached to her waist pulling out her weapon leaving a trail of unconscious Lapahns behind them. Back at the ship Y/n stood with Heat, Wire and Killer looking at the devil fruit on the table in front of them. Kid soon came in "to the highest bidder go the spoils!" Kid laughed. "I'll get started on the paper work then, leaving you in charge of the fruit" Y/n said. She quickly walked to their shared room clicking the light on at the desk she began to write several letters to a list of people. 

She hummed placing her pen down she stretched out her hands the door opened she didn't have to look to know it was Kid who came in. He walked over to her wrapping his arms around her shoulders resting his head against hers. "Care to read the letters over before I seal them?" she asked. "I trust you" he replied y/n smiled lifting her hands up to touch his. "are you still cold?" he asked. Y/n turned her head to look at him "You have an idea to warm me up, captain~?" she asked teasingly "A few" Kid replied suggestively. She laughed and kissed him "I love you" he hummed "I love you too" he mumbled just loud enough for her to hear. 

The End 

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