Reader x Sanji Birthday Wishes

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Y/n laid in the grass on the thousand sunny alongside her captain. The two cloud gazing Luffy was sure to point out every cloud that resembled food y/n giggled. "Nami-Swaannnn, Robin-Chaaan" Sanji's voice rang out as he walked out on deck carrying a tray. Y/n lifted her hand pointing at another cloud "That one looks just like a cake!" y/n exclaimed. Luffy nodded excited as he licked his lips. Sanji handed Nami and Robin each a drink "Sanji, isn't your birthday coming up?" Robin asked. Sanji grinned hearts in his eyes "AH~ My Robin-chan, yes it is coming up! but don't worry too much about it, it's just another day for me~!" he said 

Y/n had long since stood up shocked she mumbled something before running into the ship. Sanji turned around his smile fading as he caught the a last glimpse of her turning the corner. He looked at Luffy who shrugged "She said something about birthday presents and ran away" Luffy said now sitting up. Sanji hummed before handing Luffy the drink he had intended to go to Y/n. Before heading back into the kitchen.

Y/n sat in Usopp's workshop trying to brainstorm some ideas for Sanji's birthday mentally cursing herself for forgetting. She spent the next two days working on her ideas one failing after another. She sighed in frustration "Y/n?" she jumped upon hearing a familiar voice call out to her. "Sanji" she quickly hiding the project she was working on. "You didn't come to dinner" he said holding two plates. "oh! I'm Sorry, I've just been so caught up" y/n quickly cleared some space for the two to sit and Sanji handed her a plate. The two sat talking and laughing with one another. "This is nice" y/n said looking up at Sanji he nodded in agreement "Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and i've got a pile of dishes with my name on them" Sanji stood up taking her plate. "let's do this again Princess" he said with a bow y/n's heart fluttered watching him leave. 

That night y/n after everyone had gone to sleep aside from Zoro, who was keeping watch. Y/n 'borrowed' Nami's key to the fridge taking the few things she needed from there before quickly returning it before she could notice. Y/n quickly got to work mixing the ingredients together adding the flavoring she put it into the oven to bake. Kicking out a sleepwalking Luffy a few times. She began to wash her dishes while the cake baked. Y/n Worked away pulling the cake from the oven and sitting it on the counter to let it cool. She got her icing together when the cake was finally ready she quickly began to add the colored icing. Y/n looked down at her creation smiling triumphantly. She yawned feeling her eyes grow heavy she pushed the cake forward and rest her head on the counter quickly falling asleep.

A few hours later Sanji woke up and got dressed before heading top the kitchen. Noticing the light on he figured Luffy had tried to get into the fridge again. When he entered the kitchen he was surprised to see Y/n fast asleep her head resting on the counter. He couldn't help but smile at her cute she looked. As he grew closer he noticed the cake on the counter that read 'Happy Birthday Sanji! in big blue letters a cute illustration of him on the front. Y/n and the rest of the crew standing around him happily. He smiled about to take her back to her room when she began to stir and sit up slowly. She yawned feeling her back ache slightly from the strange position she had slept in. Her gaze met Sanji's and she smiled "Oh! Sanji! Happy birthday" she grinned. "Sorry I didn't mean for you to see the surprise yet" she giggled Sanji swooned hearing her giggle. "Thank you y/n this cake is beautiful" he said Y/n reached to the side handing him a wrapped present a cute Blue bow on the front. "I wasn't sure what to get you, So I figured maybe this would be good" she said bashfully watching him tear into the paper. 

Y/n watched with watchful eyes keeping an eye on his expression his eyes widened upon seeing wat aid hidden behind the paper. "d-do you like it?" she asked quietly Sanji held a photo of the two of them both happily laughing together. The frame beautifully decorated Sanji didn't speak he just hugged y/n re-reading the same words he had just read on the frame. Y/n slowly hugged Sanji back "I love you" she whispered. Sanji looked at y/n's face seeing her smile "looks like I got my birthday wish" he said. Y/n pressed her lip's against Sanji's pulling him closer. The two heard a click and quickly separated looking to the side seeing Usopp and Robin standing at the door laughing while Usopp waved around a camera. "Looks like we just captured the gift you can give him for you anniversary!" Usopp shouted. "Usopp! Robin!" Y/n and Sanji shouted before chasing after the two.

The End

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