Child Reader x Child Ace Adorable

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Luffy and Sabo making fun of Y/n and Ace by singing Ace and Y/n sitting in a tree K I S S I N G! 

Y/n chased after her twin brother Sabo "Wait Sabo!" y/n called rushing after him. Her foot snagged on a root causing her to trip and fall. "ow!" she cried out hitting her chin against the ground and scraping her hands and knees on the ground. She felt tears prick her eyes as her skin stung. She took a deep breath trying to hold back her tears as her bottom lip quivered. "It's okay to cry" Y/n looked up seeing a hand held out towards her. 

She grabbed the hand allowing them to pull her to stand. "Come on let's patch you up" Y/n was barely able to see the boy who helped her up but nodded walking with him into the woods his hand still holding hers. They got to a large tree with a large tree house built in it a flag waved ASL. Y/n didn't say anything the whole way there "Get on my back I'll carry you up" he said kneeling down. Y/n complied holding onto him tight to ensure she wouldn't fall. 

Once the two made it to the top Y/n spotted her brother sitting nearby with another boy. "Sabo!" she cried happy to see him. The boy let her off his back watching her run to his blond friend "Y/n? what are you doing here!?" Sabo exclaimed. "I brought her here" Sabo lifted his head "Ace? I thought we agreed no girls allowed!" Sabo said rather loud. Ace Shrugged walking towards the girl with a small medical kit. "Sit" he commanded Sabo grumbled before heading towards the door leaving. Y/n watched her brother leave and looked down at her feet while Ace bandaged her scrapes. "Don't worry he's not mad, just worried about you" Ace explained y/n nodded before standing up heading towards the door. "where are you going?" he asked "to find my brother" y/n replied. 

"Just leave him be" Ace said y/n nodded before walking back and sitting down "I'm y/n, Sabo's twin sister" She explained. "Ace, this is Luffy" he replied y/n looked where Ace was pointing seeing another boy with dark hair he was picking his nose. "hi!" he said excited Y/n waved before turning back to Ace "so this is where Sabo has been hiding" y/n said looking around the room. "we built it ourselves!" Luffy giggled. Y/n sat around playing games with Ace and Luffy the boys teaching her how to fight. Until Sabo returned he had been watching from a distance for a while. "What are you idiots doing to my sister?" Sabo asked holding his weapon. "Sabo!" Y/n grinned looking towards him he looked at the bruises on her face and scowled. "You two are playing too rough!" Sabo scolded them. "We're just trying to show her how to protect herself" Luffy said. Sabo sighed "come on we'd better go catch dinner" "we'll be back y/n stay put!" Luffy smiled.

A few weeks passed y/n had been staying with the boys in the tree house. It was another day they had gone to hunt food y/n wanted to go with them. But they told her no she decided to follow them anyway keeping her distance she watched the boys take down an animal looking in amazement. When suddenly a shadow was cast over her she turned around seeing a large saber tooth tiger. "n-nice tiger" she said slowly backing away it lunged at her and she ran towards the boys. "Y/n? we told you to stay at the tree house!" Sabo shouted before seeing the tiger chasing her. Before he could react Ace had already begun running towards her Sabo and Luffy followed He hit the tiger hard with his pipe. Sabo and Luffy doing the same "Get her out of here" Sabo called Ace picked y/n up and began to run back towards the tree house.

He set her down on a stump looking her over concerned "are you hurt?" he asked y/n shook her head "No, I'm fine" she said. Ace nodded relieved that she wasn't injured "Ace and Y/n sitting in a tree K I S S I N G!" Luffy began to sing watching the two "first comes love, then come marriage-" Before he could finish Ace had thrown a rock at him hitting him in the face. "shut up Luffy" Ace said glaring Sabo chuckled at their childish behavior watching Ace chase Luffy around in circles. Y/n giggled her face covered with a blush presumably from Luffy's song. Sabo sat beside his sister starting a fire to cook their food "Ace is a good guy" Sabo said suddenly serious. Y/n looked at her brother "If you like him, I'm happy for you" Sabo smiled. 

That night everyone laid sprawled on the floor y/n laid restlessly feeling goosebumps crawl across her skin from the cold. She shivered and sat up looking to see if any of the boys were still awake. "y/n?" she turned looking beside her seeing Ace looking at her "what's wrong?" he asked "I'm freezing" she said. Ace opened her arms and she hesitantly crawled over to him throwing her blanket over the two of them as she curled up with him. "Goodnight Ace" she whispered "night"

"Y/n and Ace sitting in a tree K I-" "Shut up Luffy you'll wake them" Sabo said. Y/n woke up and looked at Sabo and Luffy who were giggling. "What's so funny?" Y/n asked before realizing "you two are real kids you know that?" Y/n growled slipping away from Ace's grasp. "What's going on?" Ace asked yawning "Ace and Y/n sitting in a tree!" Luffy began to sing loudly which resulted in y/n tackling Luffy and wrestling him on the floor. Sabo turned to Ace "I give you my blessing" he snickered Ace rolled his eyes before jumping on Sabo. The four laughed with each other before Sabo pipped up "I wasn't joking about my blessing" he said winking at Ace causing y/n to blush and the whole fiasco repeated itself.

The End  

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