Reader x Ichiji Security

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Y/n sat on the balcony in her room watching the sea she sighed to herself her parent's had hired Germa to act as security at the following ballroom event. It was a rather important event and with all of the threats directed towards her. There had already been a couple incidents. She could see ships sailing towards her island in the distance. Someone knocked on her door in that moment. "come in" she called standing she turned seeing her usual maid come in with 2 others. "The Germa ships are approaching we're here to get you ready to meet the royal family " she said. Y/n nodded walking into the room she stood in front of the mirror they pulled out her best dress. Y/n stepped into it and they were quick to pull the zipper up before quickly styling her hair and applying her makeup. They finally placed a silver tiara on her head before she finally stood tired of their fussing. 

Y/n arrived at the docks with her parents and many soldiers she stood watching the Germa family walk off the ship. "Welcome to our home Judge" Y/n's father said grateful that they came. He smiled a sinister smile "Of course! this is a very important event after all" he said smirking. "Thank you for understanding!" the king said. "Please accompany us to the castle to discuss things further" Everyone moved to leave when someone began to yell "Down with the kingdom!" someone shouted throwing a Molotov at y/n. In one swift movement the eldest of the Germa boys came to her aid lifting his cape he shielded her the contents slid off his cape like water on a slide. His younger brothers apprehended the attacker. She looked up at the red head "thank you" she said he nodded "I'll Escort you back to the castle" he said offering her his arm. Y/n hooked her arm with his allowing him to lead her back to the castle. 

Back at the castle everyone sat in the board room. "allow me to officially introduce my daughter, Princess Y/n L/n our only ere to the throne" the king spoke gesturing to y/n who smiled "please to meet you all" she said with a curtsy. "These are my children, Reiju, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji" Judge said the four bowed as their name was called. "My eldest son will accompany you as your body guard" Judge said. Y/n nodded looking at Ichiji whose expression stayed emotionless. Everyone took their seats at the table talking about the deal. Y/n's parent's gave Judge a large sum of money before one of the maids showed everyone to their rooms. Ichiji walked with Y/n through the castle. "Do you have any questions?" she asked Ichiji looked at her before shaking his head "no" Y/n smiled and nodded. They walked into the library where y/n's teacher was already waiting "feel free to read or whatever while I attend my lessons" she said looking at Ichiji who nodded looking at the large book shelves. 

Ichiji sat nearby holding a book in his hand although he was reading he kept his eye on y/n as she had to practice walking with a few books stacked on her head to keep her posture straight. While the teacher asked her questions every time she answered a question wrong the teacher would add another book. He smirked to himself thinking about how foolish it was. When she finally finished she walked over to him seeing the book he read "oh is that f/b?  it's one of my favorites" she said he closed it and stood up getting ready to put it back. "you can borrow it if you'd like" she said. He nodded tucking it into his pocket y/n took him up to his room giving him a chance to finally change out of his suit. For her safety he insisted that she come into his room she refused at first but eventually gave in stepping inside she closed the door behind her. As she turned around she saw a bright red glowing light as it faded she saw Ichiji wearing a pair of black trousers and a white dress shirt. "Wow! that was amazing" Y/n said admiring him he smirked "that's Germa tech, keep it to yourself" he said.

A few days passed the two were getting along quite well they were currently walking through the palace gardens. The sun had set and the moon light caused the flowers to glow Y/n turned to Ichiji smiling "This is my favorite place, but I haven't been able to come here in so long" she said looking at the flowers longingly. "Thank you Ichiji" Y/n said the corners of his lips curved up slightly as he took her hand kissing the back of it. "of course princess" he said quietly watching her face start to turn pink. "I'll be sad when you leave" she said looking at her feet his fingers touched beneath her chin tilting her head up to look at him he pulled his sunglasses away from his face. "Don't be sad princess, you'll be married soon" he said looking into her eyes "There's only one person I want to Marry" she replied. Ichiji smirked "is that right?" he questioned catching him by surprise she pressed her lips to his. His hand touched her cheek kissing her back she slowly pulled away and he chuckled. "Bet you didn't see that one coming" she said teasingly.

The day of the ball came and y/n got dressed for it wearing a long red ball gown that would match Ichiji's suit as he was the one taking her. The maid's placed her tiara on her head and she stood up slipping into some more comfortable heels. She heard knocking at the door "Come in" she called the door opened revealing Ichiji. Y/n grinned her face slightly pink as he got a nose bleed. One of the maid's handed him a tissue and she walked over giggling. "you look quite dashing" she said. "you look beautiful, that dress suits your body well" Y/n giggled once again. "shall we?" he asked. Y/n nodded linking her arm with his they walked to the ballroom. The party had already started. Her parent's commented on how beautiful she looked her mother hinted at how the two looked like a couple. Many of the men invited to the ball asked y/n to dance. She could hardly refuse Niji and Yonji asked her to dance as well. She had a good time laughing with the two as during their dances. 

Finally Y/n got a chance to take a breath Ichiji brought her a drink commenting on how well she danced even if it was with other men. Finally Y/n asked him "Ichiji will you dance with me?" he smirked taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor. She heard whispers but ignored them not caring the music slowed and they got closer she leaned her head against his chest. The song ended and y/n stepped back smiling up at Ichiji. Her smile faded when an unfamiliar man tapped her shoulder. Ichiji scowled at said man "Excuse me princess, will you dance with me?" she turned around looking at the man he looked much older than she did but nodded nonetheless. She took the man's hand leaving Ichiji's embrace he was about to walk back to the side of the room before catching y/n's other hand once again. "I'm sorry sir but you cannot dance with the princess tonight" Ichiji said. The man scowled "What do you mean I can't! the princess already said she would dance with me" the man said. Y/n pulled her hand from the older man's allowing Ichiji to pull her away from him defensively stepping in front of her. The older man suddenly pulled out a gun aiming towards Ichiji. 

"The princess needs to die! and if I have to go through you in order to do that then I will!" the man yelled. Waving the gun around dangerously the rest of the Vinsmoke family began to close in. "Whatever you do stay behind me y/n" Ichiji said Y/n nodded her hands holding onto his suit jacket. The man aimed the gun at Ichiji's face "DIE!" he yelled pulling the trigger. The bullet that left his gun missed horribly hitting a wall. Niji and Yonji grabbed the man from behind knocking the gun from his hand before apprehending him. "Y/n!" her mother cried rushing over y/n looked at her mom becoming engulfed in a hug. Y/n hugged her back "I'm fine it's alright" she said calmly. Her mother stepped back "I knew this ball was a mistake!" her mother said. "actually, I think it was the opposite" y/n said quietly as her father joined her mother's side. "What do you mean? have you chosen a husband?" Her father asked. Y/n nodded slowly she tuned to Ichiji who was surprised as well as the rest of the Vinsmoke family. "Ichiji, would you unite our kingdoms with me?" she asked. 

"Yes!" judge answered for him seeing many advantages to the union. Y/n smiled as he took her hand "I'll keep looking after her" he said. The king and queen nodded unsure of what events would come, but that's a story for another time. 

That evening Ichiji joined y/n in her room "can you help me with this?" she asked he pulled the zipper down helping her step out of the gown. she slipped into her pajamas and crawled into bed Ichiji hesitated but followed suit. She rolled over to face him "You don't have to marry me if you don't want to" she said. He moved to face her "I want to" he said connecting their lips y/n smiled against his lips. "to a good start to a long and prosperous life and union" she said kissing him again. 

The End 

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