Reader x (Bully) Zoro I can fight my own battle

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Requested by _NRobin_ Enjoy!

Y/n walked to school kicking a rock as she did dreading the day. She walked into the school hearing a girl call out to her "Y/n!" she called. Y/n looked up seeing Perona waving at her. "Hi Perona" Y/n said quietly watching the girl smile at her and pull her along. Y/n listened to her talk suddenly feeling someone shove her. She fell to the floor books flying every which way she hit the floor with a thud. y/n lifted her head looking up at who had shoved her she glared seeing familiar green hair. "what's your problem?" she asked he laughed "What's my problem? my problem is you're in my way" Zoro said kicking one of her books as he walked by. Y/n sighed getting up and picking up her books "Y/n are you okay?" one of her best friends Sanji asked kneeling down to help her. "I don't know what his problem is with me but he better knock it off" she stated frowning. Sanji placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'll kick his ass for you Y/n" he said she shook her head "Just leave it alone Sanji I can fight my own battles" Y/n lifted her head seeing Perona giggling as she walked with Zoro down the hall. She looked away before Zoro looked back at her a sympathetic expression on his face. Y/n opened her locker door to have bright pink and green paint splatter all over her. The other students laughed as Y/n turned to look at Zoro and Perona, Perona cackling like a witch as she watched y/n throw her arms out paint splattering on the floor. She put her books into the top of her locker the only part not covered in pain before throwing her back pack down onto the floor pulling her shirt off over her head without a care as she began to wipe the paint up putting her backpack inside she grabbed her spare clothes and slammed the door shut. Walking towards the girls locker room showering off the green and pink paint. Getting dressed Y/n walked into class late "Miss L/n care to explain why you're late?" her teacher Nico Robin asked. Y/n shook her head "No ma'am" and walked to her assigned seat. "why don't you tell someone Y/n? or let one of us?" her desk partner Usopp asked. Y/n looked at him and smiled "I can fight my own battle" Y/n turned back to face the front. Everyday was like this for Y/n she was popular and people liked her but for some reason Zoro and Perona had it out for her. She had become so numb to it she put up with it  at the end of the day Sanji met her after school "Do you want me to walk you home Y/n?" he asked she shook her head "No it's fine Sanji I've got some things to do before I get home" she said. 

Y/n walked into a gym throwing her bag into a locker she changed into a tank top and shorts bandaging her hands she walked into the gym. She punched the punching bag releasing her aggressions her hands began to sting and bleed through the bandages. She finally stopped when someone called to her "You're going to damage your hands" looking to the side she saw Zoro. "What the hell do you want?" she asked looking back at the punching bag "I don't want anything" he replied. Y/n hit the punching bag again "I bet you wish it were me hitting" he said. Y/n laughed "If I wished it were you it would be" she replied blatantly. hitting the bag harder with each punch until finally Zoro had grabbed her hands. Her knuckles were bruised and bloody and she looked like she was about to burst into tears as he made her look at him "let me go" she said trying to fight the tears. "No" he replied watching her stare at him fear in her eyes "I won't let you keep hurting yourself" he said Y/n felt the tears begin to fall down her face she pulled away from him "You have no right" she said before running into the change room collecting her things and sprinting home not bothering to change. Y/n sat in her room furiously wiping her tears away as she sat on her bed head in her hands as she awaited another dreadful day.

Y/n walked into school and stopped at her locker standing at the side letting the paint hit the floor she wiped up the inside of her locker and collected her things. The pranks were no longer funny and Y/n found herself sitting in gym class. "L/n! what happened to your hands?" the coach asked "I was at the gym last night coach I guess I took it a little to far" she stated. He nodded "you won't be participating today" y/n sat at the side watching before suddenly her name was screamed out and a softball flew towards her face. Y/n lifted her hand catching it she stood up hearing Perona snicker Y/n dropped the ball and stalked towards her "You think you're so funny don't you? You think you can ruin my life by covering me with paint everyday, ruining my clothes, causing me physical injuries?" Y/n stood in front of Perona "Let's see how you like it?" Y/n's fist made contact with Perona's knocking her to the floor. "how's that feel?" Y/n turned just in time to hear the coach shout "L/n! that's detention!" he shouted. Y/n collected her things and walked out of the gym to detention. Not surprised to see who it was already sitting on the other side of the room. Y/n found a seat "L/n? I'm surprised to see you were" Robin said from the front of the room. "I'm not" Y/n replied "What did you do?" she questioned. "I punched a bully in the face" Y/n stated sitting down. Robin didn't bother to ask anymore questions before standing up "I'll be back in a few minutes" Robin looked at Zoro giving him a nod before leaving the room. Zoro stood up as soon as the door clicked shut. He sat next to Y/n who went to get up and leave but he grabbed her hand "Y/n" he said "Let go of my zoro I have nothing to say to you" she said "You just said something though" he replied with a cheeky grin. Y/n sighed sitting back down "You have 2 minutes" she said. He leaned towards her and pressed his lips to hers she didn't pull away which he found to be a good sign. Pulling away he smiled and she slapped him "What was that for?" Y/n asked "What do you mean? what the hell what THAT for?" he replied holding his cheek. "Why would you pick on me and belittle me with your little hussy just to kiss me when you get me alone" she stated. "one she isn't my hussy, two I need you to know that I never wanted to do those things to you Y/n I love you" he said Y/n turned away "You don't even know what that means" she replied arms crossed over her chest. He took her hand "Please just give me a chance" he whispered. Y/n felt her heart throb letting her better judgement get the better of her before she nodding "Fine but if Perona doesn't leave me alone we're done" she stated. Zoro grinned "deal" he said before lifting Y/n up and spinning her around happily kissing her again this time she placed her hands in his hair kissing him back. "Well I guess detention is over" Robin's voice caused the two to separate before collecting there things and leaving hand in hand. "I meant what I said" Zoro said "Give it some more time before you say it again" she replied smiling a bit.

The End


Sanji and Usopp watched the two walk down the hall hand in hand Tears falling down Sanji's face "Y/n-chan! how could I let him steal her away!" he cried while Usopp tried to comfort him "I really didn't see that coming at all" he said as Sanji wiped at his tears. "As long as she's happy but if he hurts her again I'll kick his ass! she is my best friend after all!" Sanji announced heroically. "Alright relax prince charming we've got homework to do" Usopp replied dragging him to the library. 


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