Mihawk x Reader x Sabo and Law (Love at First Sight)

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Requested by MirandaMingoth Not sure this is exactly what you wanted but hope you and everyone else enjoy never the less :D

Y/n walked silently book in one hand coffee in the other not noticing the two pairs of eyes that stared at her as she walked. "Wow she sure is beautiful" A blonde man said to his friend that sat beside him. "You should go get her number Sabo!" a excited young girl exclaimed at she looked at the woman he was speaking of. "I think I will! Stay right here Koala" Sabo smiled before making his way towards the girl who had sat on the edge of the fountain. The other set of eyes belonged to an older man with impressive golden eyes he was with one of his students helping him train. "What's got you so distracted Mihawk" His student called without taking his eyes off her he replied "She's gorgeous" he stated causing his student to stare in shock. "If a woman has finally caught you're eye you should go try to talk to her!" He exclaimed before watching his teacher walk towards the woman. 

Sabo noticed the other man moving to approach the same girl he was and frowned slightly. While Mihawk noticed Sabo's presence as well he looked at him with a glare the two men walking up to each other. "I saw her first!" Sabo exclaimed "only a child would say something like that" Mihawk replied calmly. "A child? at least i'm not 50 going after someone 30 years younger!" Sabo retorted. His hands covered in aramant Haki while Mihawk pulled the sword from his back getting ready to fight the boy. Sabo moved "Dragon Claw!" he called as he swiped at the man. Mihawk blocked it with his sword as the two continued to move. "Watch it you two! you're going to kill someone!" Koala and Zoro called out at the same time. Stopping the two from killing each other. The two saw a tall lanky man walk up to the woman she lifted her head from her book and pulled out her headphones before jumping up wrapping her arms around his neck. She was excited to see him "Law! Where have you been! we were suppose to meet here 20 minutes ago" The girl pouted the man chuckled hands on her hips as he picked her up. "Sorry Y/n I got caught in a surgery are you ready for lunch?" he asked setting her back down. She crossed her arms "yes" she mumbled he leaned down to her level lifting her chin "quit pouting or else" he teased her eyes widened and she held her hands up in defense "let's get going!" she smiled grabbing her book and coffee from the fountain she shoved the book into her bag and threw her empty cup into the nearby garbage. "EH!? she's with someone!?" Sabo said surprised "Maybe they're just friends!" Koala said putting her hands up "Hm Perhaps the girl is right" Mihawk mumbled under his breath before turning back to Zoro. "Back to Training" he stated and Zoro rolled his eyes walking back to the spot.

The following week Y/n sat at the fountain once again, and again the two men sat and fought each other. While Koala and Zoro made sure no one else got hurt. A few weeks went by and this continued to happen. It always ended the same with Y/n leaving with the doctor this week was different. The doctor had beaten her to the spot that day he looked nervous Sabo ignored Mihawk and approached the doctor. "Are you okay?" Sabo asked Law turned to him slightly surprised. "I'm waiting for my girlfriend I'm planning on proposing to her today so I came early to practice" he said. Sabo nodded a bit looking down slightly "I hope she says yes!" Sabo said grinning at the man. "I hope so too" Law mumbled holding the small black box in his hand. "Law!" Y/n called grinning at the man "goodluck" Sabo said giving the man one last reassuring smile before returning to Koala who was standing next to Mihawk and Zoro. He watched as Law got down on one knee holding the ring out to the girl in front of him. "It appears we are both too late" Mihawk said "This fighting sure was childish" Sabo said. Turning to Mihawk the two shook hands before parting ways leaving Y/n with her new fiancé. 

Y/n turned to Law as they walked away "Those two sure were weird fighting every week" she said Law chuckled "I think they were fighting about you" he said. Y/n looked confused "What makes you think that?" She asked "ah I could see it on their faces when I proposed to you" he replied "I don't think so" Y/n replied and Law shrugged putting his arm around her shoulders as they left the park.

The End 

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