Chapter 12

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" Hello Amma"

I did not call my mother after coming from India. Didn't seem to call anyone. Actually I do not miss anyone. Truth is I'm looking forward to running out of the house someday.

My sister said that you know grief only when you are away from home. But I have never had such a problem in such a long time.

"How are you? Why didn't you call?" 'Mother asked.

"Busy. How are you?"

"Ha .. we're all fine"


"Did you like college?"

"Yes. Loved it. Good teachers, good students."

"Did you get friends?"

My mother did not know that I had not had friends for a long time. I never told my mother about anyone. There is nothing to say.

"Ha. Saliya" I said.

I wanted to say Chris' name instead of Saliya.

"Good thing. Then, what's up?"

Rishma, please don't tell our mother anything about Chris. Please....

If mother finds out about everything that happened here, she will tell our father. Then our father will come and take you away. You will have to study in any of the college in India. Please shut up ....

" Amma.. "

" Say "

"I'm not in the hostel ..."

As always, I opened my mouth without hearing what my mind was saying!

I told my mother everything that happened. In between some questions were asked. I answered it all, some as reasons.
After saying everything, Mother asked, "Is he good?"

"No problem yet. I hope there won't be."

Gave some advice. I said okay -- okay for everything.

As a mother it's important to do that.
Every mother would be shocked to learn that her daughter is sharing a house with a strange boy in another country.

Talking to my mother made my throat dry. I went to the kitchen to drink water.

Chris is watching TV. I poured the water from the jug into the glass. At times, I even noticed Chris. No problem because he does not know my language.

"Are you safe with him ?" 'Mother asked again to make sure I'm safe.

I looked at Chris and he got up and plugged in the phone charger to the table next to the TV.

He saw that I was paying attention to him.

He raised his head from the phone and asked, "What?"
I quickly put a smile and nodded as nothing.

He curved his lips slightly. I turned and drank the water.

" Yes." I replied.

" okay."

"Mmh," I muttered.

"Tell the teachers if there is any problem,"  mother reminded me again.

"Huh. I'll call you later." And quickly I cut the call.

I sat down with Chris to watch TV.
"Whose that?" He asked, looking at TV.

"'Mother" I said in a sad tone.

He slowly shook his head.

"Isn't everyone well?" He asked.

" Yes."

"What about you?"
I looked at him doubtful.

"Just joking." He said with a laugh.

To distract my mind I asked him how was his day.

After my mother spoke to me, I was very upset. Somewhere inside, there is fear about Chris.

"Today, as usual. Debates. Master told me to talkative."


" He said I was not talking unnecessarily."

"Who? You?" I asked in surprise.

He looked at me with a naughty smile on his face.
"You know, I'm very poor there. I'm a good boy. They want me to talk more."

"Speak up. Problem over."

"How do I talk unnecessarily?" He asked as he moved towards me.
I folded my legs.

"See. Haven't you seen the interviews? They all start saying something and end up saying something. Some people only answer the question they ask. Some people talk nonsense. They don't even know what they're talking about."

"So, what category do I belong to?"

"You have to decide that"

"Say it in a way that makes sense"

I sat silently looking into his eyes.
"Chris, it all depends on your attitude. You have to decide what to change and what not to change. If someone tells you to change your character, you should completely ignore it. Join those who can match your real character. Say no to those who can't. You must be yourself. "

When I had finished, he put his hand and pressed on my head.

" Hoo my tiny..., big things inside this little head."

"At least you understand that."

"Doesn't anyone in your house know about you?"


That’s a common question for Chris, but not for me. I had previously expected that someone would ask me this question.
I couldn't give him a complete explanation.
When the time comes I will tell everything.

Chris turned to the screen when he heard the sound of an advertisement on TV.
It was a car ad. He is in love with the cars.

He saw the whole ad with his eyes wide open in amazement.
At that time I heard nothing but the music of the advertisement.

I saw the joy on his face and put a smile on my lips.
After the advertisement, he turned his head towards me as fast as lightning and asked, "Shall we go to sleep?"

"So soon?" I was surprised.

"Soon? Look at the time, it's nine"

He got up from the sofa after a tired sigh.

I go to bed at nine-thirty at home.

"Did you finish all the work in the kitchen? Need help?"

"No, the work is done."

"Get up early tomorrow morning and we'll have to workout"

" Us?" I could not believe it.

"Yeah. You always tell me to get you up early." Said stretching his arms to both sides.

"That doesn't mean you have to wake me up on Sunday," I explained.

"Sunday is also a working day for me"

"Not for me"

Chris bended closer to me,  "Did you go to the terrace in the morning?"


"Come and see tomorrow. You will be amazed."

I can't beat him by talking. I shook my head reluctantly in an okay way.
He turned off the TV and I turned off the light in the living room and we went to our respective rooms.

"Your phone," I reminded him from my door side.
"There's no charge in it. Take it tomorrow morning."

He said, putting the blanket up to his neck.
I went to my room and lay down on the bed. We looked at each other and smiled as usual before turning off the light.

" tiny..." he said in a very low voice. His breath was clearly heard.

" whaahht.....?" I asked in the same manner.

"Nothing," he said with a little pleasant smile.

I smiled at him while turning off the light in my room.

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