Chapter 2

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Someone tapped on my shoulder and woke me up. When I opened my eyes, I saw someone's identity card. It says Donaldson. With a little difficulty I looked at his face and he was British guy's guide.

Yes, I arrived at my destination. This is where I have to stay for the next two years. Girls Hostel on the left and Boys Hostel on the right. When we got out of the taxi, the helpers at the hostel took our bags and went to the office.

The boys who came with me did not have the means of fatigue. They are in great joy, and their laughter makes my head swell. I followed Mr.Donaldson. For some reason he is a better person than my guide.

I could not sleep enough and my eyes started falling asleep again. But suddenly I thought of him, where is he? That British Guy? We both came in the same taxi and I did not remember him when I got out of the taxi. My eyes began to search for him on the porch of the office. He's not here. Where did he go? Did he get off somewhere on the way? Aren't we the same college?

A lot of unnecessary questions went through my mind and there was a slowdown in his unexpected entry. When I saw him, I breathed a sigh of relief. By then, the two boys had left the office room. They took the bag and said bye to me and our guide. A helper took them to the hostel.

Now only me, him, and our guides are there. A woman from the office called both guides inside.

Donaldson went inside and told us to wait outside. Now he and I were the only ones left on the porch. We both sat on the bench in front of the office. Without much thought I decided to talk to him.

"Rishma" ------- "Chris"
We both laughed for that.

"Which course are you studying?" He asked me.
"Geography," I said with a smile. "What about you?"
"I joined drama school." He said reluctantly.
"Then you're an actor!"
"Not yet"
"You have a hero look," he said.
"Is that why you looked at me at the airport?", He asked with a smirk.

I'm embarrassed, I thought he did not pay attention to me. I wondered what to say to Chris. I have no reason to tell him. God ... help me. Chris stared into my eyes for my answer. I said in a stumbling voice, "No, it's not like that. I ... I thought I saw you somewhere."
"There's no way," he laughed.
"Why?" I do not know what to ask, so I asked.

"Because this is my first time abroad and I'm not active on social media, so there's no chance of you seeing me," he explained.

No, I've seen you somewhere. We have talked. I'm sure. My mind contradicted his words. He forgot it, you remind him, tell him you 've seen him before.

Struggling in my mind, I casually said, "Me too."

I talked to him for a while without even knowing the language. I do not know how to speak English fluently. Somehow I continued the conversation, understanding the questions and answers Chris was asking. He is a very good guy. Cool.

   He is six years older than me. I was amazed. I am small in front of him not only physically but also with age. Of course Chris sees me as a kid.

Everyone says I look like a baby, but I'm annoyed to hear that. And distress. I am satisfied with myself. But I am not enough for others. I live my life, not the lives of others. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to go out. My mother also sees me a little. Then I get really angry. I think Chris sees me as the same as everyone else.

I decided to tell him my age to find out how Chris would respond. But why would I even talk to a college mate about my personal matters? Rishma .......... What the hell are you thinking? Shut up and keep quiet. Please do not make a false impression on him on the first day.

No matter what my mind says, my mouth will not contain it. It would say something stupid without thinking of anything. So I said, "Chris, I'm nineteen."

Oops ..... no no no no no ...... Rishmaaa how could you say this? Do you have any idea what you said? Everything is ruined ..... Shut up. You don't have to say anything anymore ....

Chris looked at me. He still has a strong smile on his face that makes me fall. "But you are brave. You are braver than your age."

"Thank you" I just cut it in two. But there was an uproar in me.

Ooooohhhhhh ........... God ......
  Did you hear what Chris said to you? Oooo ...... No ........ Thank you Chris ...... God ...... I'm happy....

My happiness cannot be expressed in just two words. I want nothing more from Chris. I'm excited.... THANK YOU LOT GOD........

I wish to spend the whole two years with Chris...

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