Chapter 27

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Rishma's Pov :

"Can you please tell me what you said to your mother?" Arnav asked when his patience level reached to zero degree.

For the past five days he came to my house to see me, so that I won't feel bored and alone. In between he noticed my mother's and my silence towards each other. He repeated the same question for the past five days and now also.

"Umh--- I d-done that purposefully. I felt to say those things but I didn't said that intentionally."

"Can you.... plea---se... explain the meaning--- you just said?" he narrowed his eyes in confusion.

What I said was clear right? I looked at my packed college bag. Today I'm going back, my flight is at 2 pm.

Before my going back he will make me spit out the issue.

"I mean--- I want to say that things, not that time, but I said that at that time. That's-- it."

"That's what I am asking you what is that 'that thing'?" he lifted his hands on air and raised his voice from lower to higher.

At last I had no choice but to tell Arnav everything.

Silently he leaned against the table and listened to everything.

I did not tell Arnav in the same tone that I told to my mother. I said very slowly, like a summary.

I kept watching his facial expressions to see if he objected to anything I said. There is no such thing as anger, hatred, irritability, sadness--- nothing on face. He is just staring at my face and like as a hypnotized person I'm telling everything to him.

"-----I am safe with him"

I concluded.

He rubbed his eyes and blinked two times and then looked at me for a moment twitching his lower lip.

"You thought the same thing that everyone in this world thinks." He walked over to me and stood in front of me with his folded hands.

He gasped and sat next to me with his fingers crossed.

"Actually do you know what this problem is?" he asked without expecting an answer from me.

"Everyone in this world has their own right and wrong. The problem is, everyone expect that only this one person can understand our problem and corporate with us. Others won't listen to us, they imagine things in their own way and object like we are wrong and that expected single person won't---"

He waited for a moment, then filled the gap.

"---that's why you're feeling safe with him. Coz' you felt that Chris is the only person who will always stand with you at every situation. That's not wrong. But--- remember one thing, whomever you are sharing your problems, have a past and future."

We remained silent for few minutes. Actually he gave me time to refresh my mind.

Having a elder brother like Arnav is my blessing.

I should apologize to my amma. I tore the last page from my Tigger book and wrote Sorry Amma. I held it to him and said, "Give her, after you came back to home from airport."

I don't want to see any serial-like-drama before leaving. That's too boring and disgusting and most importantly that's irritating.

I kept the book inside my bag. And stood up to leave. He took the letter from my hand and folded it to keep it inside his pant pocket.


"Be safe with your guns" I whispered in his left ear.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

I went inside, without looking back. Because once my grandmother told me whenever you are going to do something important, never look back.

I sat in the window seat and enjoyed the flight which is taking off to St. Petersburg.

This time I had no men around and the person who was supposed to be in my next seat canceled the flight at last minute.

I want that too. I want to be alone for some time.

Now it's the time for my flight to take off, to New York !

I didn't had the courage to tell Arnav about this. If I say so, he never allow me to go. He may join with me, and I don't like that. I need privacy, I don't like to live in someone's supervision.

My head is heating up while thinking about all these things.

My mind calmed down after seeing the big clouds. They were all beautiful in many shapes and forms which can't be named.

I want to play with those beautiful clouds. To jump from one cloud to another, hawww... everyone wished to do this right?

It looks like white cloth with blue scattered design, which is expanding as the plane approaching forward.

I closed my eyes from the exhaustion of traveling for so many hours. The beautiful air hostess woke me up from my sleep, because it's time for landing.

It is now 3 : 55 am in New York.
I got out of the airport and got into the first taxi I saw. Taken a room at a nearby lodge with the help of a taxi driver.

I was scared because it was a new place, but I felt a relief when I saw some ladies were still working at this lodge.

I'm tired ! I need a long deep sleep.

The waiter led me to my room. My boots made a horror sound on wooden floor. Then it came to my notice that she's wearing sneakers.

After opening the room, she handed me the keys.

"Thank you"

"Anytime," she said respectfully without considering that I am very younger than her.

The room is very dim. For the cash in my hand this room was bigger for me.

"Call me if you need anything," she said.

"Yeah. Sure" I said as I walked into the room. She turned on the lights in the room. Then after giving a smile she went back.

I locked the door. I opened it again and locked. To ensure that this lock is okay or something is wrong.

The window is closed and the white curtains are slid aside.

I switched on the fan and switched off the lights. Put the bag aside and put my boots under the bed.

I looked at the window and gasped loudly by seeing my own reflection on its glass.

The window scenario is scary, so I slid the curtains to avoid my death due to heart attack.

I hope Arnav handed over the letter to my amma.

Stretched my hands and legs, I lied on the bed and closed my eyes.

Oh... this bed is so soft.

Suddenly the calling bell rang. I startled and jumped up from the soft bed.

Slowly I walked towards the door. I heard someone's footsteps.

My heart beat increased within every passing moment.

I think I came to the wrong place. It's feels like Hotel Transylvania.

I looked through the peephole of the door to see who was outside.


Hello Wattyzzz !
I hope all are fine and doing well

Let's fight this second wave of Covid-19
Be careful and please don't go outside without mask.
Use sanitizer, please don't avoid it because you don't like it's smell.

So how's this chapter?
I'm sorry it's short, next one will be a long chapter.

Please do vote⭐, comment📃 and share➡️

-Yours Richu

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