Chapter 62

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Chris's POV :

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Chris's POV :

Days or months?

I lost count. I have no calendar or tally marks to count.

The shooting was postponed for several days due to weather changes. I want to finish everything in three months or less.

It's not that I don't enjoy the shooting process, it's just that none of the humans who live here with me enjoy this shooting. My desire is to finish this film and return home to meet Rishma.

She is going through her final year and I know how dedicated she will be. She may skip meals, sleep, and even bathe. Hmm.. I can't blame her, absolutely not. I was as dedicated as her when I was studying for my degree.

I rubbed my hands to keep warm and heard footsteps behind my tent. I got up and went out to look. Mr. Gilbert standing outside wearing a mask and a long black fur coat.

"Can we start shooting tomorrow?" I asked eagerly.

He came closer and his eyes didn't show excitement, it showed the same desperation as the past days.

"I don't think so. The weather doesn't show any change." He looked around and the heavy wind was blowing and freezing our bodies.

"So what do we do?" I asked him entering to tent.

"All we can do is wait. It could be days or months." He said simply.

"Days or months?" I screamed in shock.

Now his words are more colder than this weather.

"I know it's hard to stay here and wait for nice weather, but that's all we can do. We can't beat nature." He became more frustrated. "It's the most difficult film I've ever done."

"Why don't we try VFX?" I doubted.

"VFX can't bring a real expression to your face. When you're freezing in cold I want a real expression and stupor." He sat on a wooden chair.

"You're so crazy." That's all can say.

I officially confirmed that he will send me back in a freezer.

"Your suggestion isn't bad either. Let's wait and see if the weather shows any change or not. If not, we'll go with what you said."

• • • •

Rishma's POV :

...Ishma...... maaa... Rishma.

A strong shook on my shoulder wokeup me from my sleep with bonus jolt. I looked at the face next to mine.

"We've arrived." I read the lip movement.

The face moved back and I rubbed both my eyes with my thumb and forefinger. I sat straight in the seat with a long yawning.

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