Chapter 30

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Rishma's POV :

"Yes." Father said.
A smile appeared on my face.
"If my memory serves me right, it must have been 2003." Father clarified again.

He straightened his dusted spec and looked back at a newspaper.

"What happened that year?" I asked.
This time without much lag, he continued.

"He attended a convent school near the church. Because it was a convent most of the children who came there were financially well-off. There were very few characters in Chris's life up to that point. Because of his good heart, he would tell the secret of his birth to anyone who approached him with happiness."

And why did Chris hide his birth secret from me?
Am I close to him or not?
My expression slowly changed to depression.

"Once he saw a car on his way home from school. In the curiosity of his age, he went to get a closer look at the car."

Chris's POV :


Wow...this car is so beautiful to look at. Although it is black in color, it is very shiny.
I looked into the car through the window side. No one is inside.
Let's get into the car and sit before someone comes.
I opened the back door and entered. The door closed with a loud bang.
So I got into a car.

I feel like driving it now. But I don't know how to drive?
I played in it for a while. I sat in the driving seat with my school bag on the back seat. Played with the steering wheel with the full seriousness of driving a car.

It's been a long time.
"Oh my god. Father may be looking for me." I took the bag from the back seat and tried to open the door.
It doesn't open.
I tried to open the door on the right side. Can't open it either.

I jumped into the front seat and tried to open both the doors.

No... No No Nooo.....

I got stuck in it.

God...what will I do next?

I looked through the window to see if anyone was there. Unfortunately no one is around.

Will I have to live in it for the rest of my life?

I was freaking out, jumping back and forth between the front and back seats.

I'm trapped.

My heart started racing. The next moment my eyes filled with fear and tears.

I screamed loudly. My voice is cracking badly. Somehow loudly I yelled,
"Help me.... someone please help me.. I'm trapped... please.... father...."

Suddenly someone screamed from the right side of the back seat.

"Hey... who are you... how did you get into my car?"
I shuddered at his voice and manner.

I feel like I've lost my voice. I can't even raise my voice to ask him for help.
He tried to open the door from outside. But he can't do it either. Like me, he tried his best to open all four doors of the car, but to no avail. His eyes reddened.

He showed his anger in the mirror of the window facing my face. I can't do anything but cry.

People must have heard his voice and that's why they gathered around the car. He told everyone, "This boy got into my car without my knowledge. I can't open the door now."
He yelled in anger.
All eyes were on me now.
Their gaze and talking, increased my fear.

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