Chapter 34

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Chris's POV :

I felt somebody's a gentle tap on my shoulder to wake me up. It took me a while to come out of the high dose of drugs.

When my vision cleared, I realized that Mrs. Masson is sitting in front of me.

"Are you okay Chris?" She asked in a low voice with concern.

"Yes. It's slowly becoming okay." My voice was very husky.

She glanced at all my wounds.

"It hurts a lot, doesn't it?"

"Yes. But it's okay."

"Take all the medicines correctly. The pain will reduce."

"Actually I don't want to take the medicine. The taste and smell are so disgusting."

"Don't you want your wounds to heal?"

"Is there a way to heal the wound without taking medicine?"

"You have to turn into Wolverine for that." She laughed.

I wasn't in so much pain yesterday. Today I am afraid to move my right arm even a millimeter, it hurts so much. My left cheek hurts even when I move my lips to speak.

Beyond all this, the big knot on my head !

All wounds are giving me tons of pain at a time.
I'm hurting like hell.

It would have been better if I had died in accident than to endure all this pain.

"Where is Rishma? Hasn't she come? Haven't seen her since morning." I asked, putting up with the pain in my left cheek as much as I could.

Mrs. Masson looked at me after glancing towards the door and said. "She went to the doctor's cabin. Your scan report has come, so she went to know about it."

She is suffering a lot for me.

"Didn't I cause her a lot of trouble?" I asked worriedly.

"She's strong a girl, she can deal with all these matters." Mrs. Masson smiled.

"Mrs. Masson she is only eighteen years old. How can she manage everything?" I asked in a very low voice. I can't stand the lightning-quick pain in my cheeks and head if I raise my voice even a little.

Mrs. Masson moved the chair closer to me and sat, so that she could hear my voice clearly.

"Chris, I have been here for two days. Rishma has been here for the past 6 days. She don't know when you will open your eyes, so she is always waiting outside this room. I came to know the information just the day before you opened your eyes. When I rushed here and looked at her, she was so weak. Thinking about you, her face turned pale. I took her to the quarters knowing that she would be mentally exhausted if she stayed in the hospital."

She said all within one go, I didn't even blink and imagined everything she said inside my head.

I felt wetness on my right eye. I didn't know when my eyes filled up.

"Good morning"

I looked at the door side.

A smile flashed on my lips.

Rishma opened the door half way and peeped her head inside.

Mrs. Masson looked at her and said, " Come on dear. Get inside."

Rishma entered the room. She stood by the door holding a large bouquet.

A large bouquet of white roses.

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