Chapter 8

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"Is everything okay?" Chris looked around the kitchen and asked. I looked around with folded hands. Now our kitchen is full of ingredients and vegetables.

"No ..." I said slowly looking at the place where the coffee powder was kept.
Chris opened its small door and said, "No, you can take it."

"You can take it, I can't take it" I said with a small smirk.

"You 're not that much short" Chris said looking into my eyes.

"Yes. I am." I walked over to him and pointed to the place where the coffee powder was kept. I can't get my hands on it. I looked at him questioningly as if he understood.

Chris walked over to me and nodded, "Call me if you want some coffee, I'll come and get it."

"Wouldn't it be better to put it where I can take it now?" I raised my head and asked.

"No. I won't." said Chris, his face close to mine.

"Please. I'm a tiny girl," I pleaded.

"Cut that tiny," Chris ordered.

"No, I won't" I said the same way Chris said.

"Then I have to call you Tiny."

"Take it down, then you won't have to call."

"Sorry, Tiny ! " Chris said, raising an eyebrow.
I smiled and couldn't say anything. Chris went to the living room.

I followed him and said, "Look, I ..." Someone rang the calling bell before I could say the whole thing.

Chris opened the door. I moved to the sofa and looked at who had come. She was a middle-aged woman. The white t-shirt and long dark blue skirt match their colour well.
They looked at me and Chris alternately and smiled.

Chris told them to come inside. They looked around the house at a glance and asked, "Then... you are those new students."

I shook my head as if to say yes.

I pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit down."
They sat on the couch looking at the television.

They laughed at us and said, "Come on. Sit down. Don't hesitate."
I looked at Chris with suspicion, and then we sat on either side of them.

"I'm Angelina Masson. You can call me Mrs. Masson."

"I am Rishma"

"Chris," we said by name.

"So. Which batch are you both?"

"Geology." I said.

"I'm at the Silver Star Drama Academy." Chris said.

"People from different groups, in the same house ..." Mrs. Masson said with a laugh.

"Aren't you feeling well here?" They asked skeptically.

"Yes. Yeah of course." We answered in a hurry.

Mrs. Masson said softly, "Actually, this is the first time. I was surprised to know that two people have come here like this.

Chris looked at me and asked what was going on.

I could not answer his question because Mrs. Masson was talking to me.

She then said, "Actually, everything was sudden." They looked at Chris. Chris acted as he is listening to everything.

"Last week there was a problem in a college here. Then suddenly there was a student strike. Thirty students who took part in the strike lost their seats. They were expelled from the college.    
We had to move those students here because our college is also under that party. The hostel was full as soon as they arrived. That's why we had to move you both to the teachers' quarters. "

Now we both understand the reason. If that strike had not taken place we would now be staying in our respective hostels.

We sat with our heads bowed in silence.

"Don't worry, the two of you have more facilities here than in the hostel." Mrs. Masson said to comfort us.

"Yeah, we know." Chris replied, rubbing his forehead. "I was scared when I first heard it. Then there was nothing else."

Mrs. Masson looked at Chris and laughed. "Such an experience in a new place would scare anyone."

" Obviously " I said with a laugh.

The three of us sat in silence for a while. 

"Sorry Mam, can I get you something to drink?"

"Sure. I came straight here after the meeting. I heard about you at the meeting."

"Tea or coffee?" I asked.

"Coffee," she said with a smile on her lips.


I nodded okay. I looked at Chris with a slightly stern look before I went to the kitchen. He raised his eyebrows and gave a naughty smile.

I slowly climbed silently over the kitchen slab, opened the door and picked up the coffee powder pack. But when I jumped down, there was a loud noise.

Mrs. Masson, who was sitting in the living room, was startled by the sound. She asked out loud, "Rishma ... is there any problem?"

"No Mam." I said closing my eyes tightly.
Chris must have understood what had happened. I quickly made coffee without waiting too long.

Mrs. Masson asked Chris in a low voice, "Are you okay? Is it hard to stay with a girl for two years?"

Chris said in a low voice,

"No, I have no problem. I'm tense about Rishma, she's not in trouble because of me. After all, she is a girl. There will certainly be fear and distress of its own. So, I have to adjust and live in a way that is comfortable for her. She should be happy no matter how I live. "

"Chris, you're older than her. So, she's also  living with some adjustments. Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Yes Mam." Chris shook his head.

"So you both have to adjust to each other and live."

"I do not know if she has any difficulty in staying with me. She just told me no. But one doubt ..." Chris said in a suspicious manner.

"You'll find out in a few days. Now you stay like this. If you have any problems, feel free to tell me. Tell Rishma too. Okay?"

"Okay," Chris said slowly.

I gave the coffee to Mrs. Masson.
"Thank you." She said when she bought the coffee cup from me.

"My pleasure"  I said respectfully.

"At first everything seems to be fine, but then many things seem to go wrong. Live by understanding each other without giving it a chance." Mrs. Masson said as if warned.

After drinking coffee, she went outside. We stood at the door. I stood to his right. Chris was holding the door with his left hand. His fingers ran through the door's grip as he hurried to close the door.

Mrs. Masson said with a smile, "Bye. See you again."

"Glad you came," Chris said with a smirk.
"Thanks Mam." I also thanked him.

As she was walking towards the elevator we looked up without crossing the door.

After making sure the elevator was closed,
I sternly told him, "I told you to put it down."

Chris sternly told me, "I told you to call me."


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