Enter Caresa

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I stare at Cesar in complete silence.  The shock keeps me unable to respond.

"We are the only Seishunn Souls in the world... that have the same face..." Cesar quietly says to me.  "We are also the only Seishunn Souls who have kept our original power as the initial element.  Why we are so different... why you and I are so much alike... I don't know."

He looks at his mask.  "I haven't taken this thing off for several years... had it on since I was an infant.  It just grew with me.  My foster father told me absolutely nothing about it.  So I had gone our on several missions to find out myself...

Unintentionally during one of those missions, that's when I met Caresa.  She was a clanswoman- different clan from me... but the same race.  I didn't know at first... so I was confused to why she had on a mask similar to mine."

I nod at Cesar.  "Caresa... you mean Yein's mother?"

He nods.

"She's alive, you know.  We met her recently.  She hasn't made much of an appearance since then, though."

"I know.  I can see everything through your eyes remember?  I was... kind of filled with joy, seeing her alive.  She was claimed dead before I was, you know?"

"Tell me... how did you two fall in love?"

Cesar looks at me, seriously.  "Maybe I'll tell you, if you can beat me."

"Still clinging on to battle, huh?"

"It's the only thing that solves problems in this world.  I'm sure you know this by now."

I nod at him, while getting in a battle stance.  "I do."

He immediately uses his amazing speed to get the jump on me and smashes me in the stomach with a ball of sand.  I grab the sand and surround it with my own sand, so I could grab it despite the weight.  I toss it towards him, but he simply swings his arm across his chest blowing the sand ball apart.

He jumps towards me and we get in a rapid battle of both fists and sand swinging.  He manages to find an opening and smashes his fist into my stomach.  Luckily, I managed to block the attack just barely with sand.

I take this opportunity to grab his fist with sand and push him down towards the ground.  He blasts sand at me however, knocking me upwards towards the roof.

I take this chance of distance to form the hourglass, entering the forced state of concentration.  I can't use shining mode zero while in the masked form, but he'll seal my beta if I'm not in the masked form.

I instead enter my true element release state as well, which gives me the advantage towards him.

He sighs, and pounds his fists together.  As his fists slam, reaper beta explodes from his fingers.  He summons black sand behind him, and grins at me.  I know the dragon can't absorb reaper beta, so my advantage has been immediately lost.

I charge my fists with orange flames, and surround my hourglass with sand.  I then charge at him down from the sky with a fox fire prepared in my right fist.

"Ah nostalgia... who would have thought I'd be fighting this again?"

I jab the fox fire at his face, but he merely raises his hand and catches it with his fist.  "But... so weak, compared to the original."

Then I snap my fingers, from far away from Cesar.

He looks up at me in surprise, after noticing the one attacking him is a fake.

"Shining clone bomb!"

The clone explodes quickly, giving Cesar no time to run.  He is absorbed by the shining beta, and then immediately hit by the massive orbital strike, which crashes through the dome's ceiling.

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