The Seesaw Game

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We finally make it back from our long and exhausting trip from this terrible ordeal, but Lilian doesn't let me rest for even a second.  She immediately forces me back on to that crappy game for several more days.

My skills slowly progresses, but I never deflect all the feces thrown at me.  After around ten days of straight playing the game, Lilian interrupts me in the middle of 'training'.

"So... you are able to hit most of them out of the way now.  That's good."

"I've got a sense of where they are coming from now.  I'm about to go insane if this continues any longer however."

"Don't worry... you're through with this part of your training."

I immediately stop playing the game and run over to her in excitement.  "Really!?"

"Yep... really.  I can see you've done your part.  You finally seem dedicated to this... that's mostly what I wanted out of this part of training.  Let's move on to the next step."

"...Don't tell me the next step is going to be even stupider?"

"Oh no.  In fact, things have gotten a lot more serious."

"Really!?  Do tell!"

"You will... take out the trash!"

"No thanks" I bluntly reply with a dull expression as I push Lilian out of the room and slam the door.

"Y-You didn't let me explain!" Lilian shouts from behind the closed door.

"I don't want to hear a dumb excuse for this.  You just want me to take out the trash for the tenth time."

"N-No!  I meant that metaphorically!"

I sigh and slowly open the door.

She raises her lower lip, yet somehow gives me a serious look.  She lifts her arm and holds on to a large trash bag.  "I want you to-"

I slam the door in her face once again.  I can hear a loud thud as I slowly walk away from the door, stopping me in my tracks.

I walk back over to the door and peek outside, noticing Lilian on the ground rubbing her nose.

"T-That hurt!" she says in a loud pouty tone.

"You said this didn't literally deal with trash.  What's the bag for."

She looks at me, as if she were about to growl.  "Maybe if you'd stop slamming the door on me, I'd be able to tell you!"

"Then go ahead.  I won't slam it this time."

She squints her eyes in silence for a few seconds before saying "Some... pests have been spotted in uncle Alex's back yard.  They aren't the typical 'pests' you would see down on Earth.  Pests on Irona normally can't be dealt with, especially by human hands.  And that's exactly what I want you to do... I want you to take out these pests, with your bare hands, and put their heads into this garbage bag."

"Wait a minute... so you want me to take their heads off with my hands?"


"How can I even do that!?  I'm pretty sure I can't decapitate something with my hands."

"You can if you use the skills you've materialized from your training so far."

"Huh?  What skills, all I did was block poo!"

"Find out yourself.  Go on, the pests are waiting."

I grunt and take the stupid trash bag to Alex's stupid back yard to fight the stupid pests.  I walk outside with my angry face on and look around, to see nothing but hardened desert sand.

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