Puppet Snake

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"Oh?  Sevestra?" Adam says while he hovers his hand in front of his chest.  "I remember you... you were Haston's rival... pretty much."

"Eh?  Hows you know that?" Sevestra questions with her split tongue slithering out.

She pans her eyes up and down on Adam, gets a sudden grin, and snickers creepily.  "Don't tell me he got done in, and turned back!"

Adam touches the scythe necklace, and fire starts to wrap itself around it.  He whips his arm outwards, and a trail of blue flames follows.  The blue flames form into his scythe, and he twirls it around.

"We don't stand a chance against her unless we call for reinforcements" Adam bluntly calls out to us all.

"Sssseems like you were sssstalking us while you were trapped in his mind... then again that's a sssstupid thing to say... knowing who you truly are!"

"What are you talking about" Adam says with a deep glare.

"You mean you don't know?  I thought it was common ssssense to everyone now!  I guess you sssseem to lose some of your memory when you transform back..."

"Spit it out already!"

"You ARE Haston Hildar kid, you just transferred personalities ssssomehow, that's all there is to it!"

"You think I'll believe such an absurd story?"

"She's... not lying..." I say quietly.


"You really are Haston Hildar... Beta had told us the truth of who we are.  We aren't reincarnations, we are the Seishunn Souls."

"You mean... I'm the one who devoured all those people?"

I squint my eyes and pan them away from Adam.  "I'm afraid so..."

"No... how can that be..."

"I'd watch where I'm looking if I were you!" Sevestra shouts from behind Adam.  He quickly turns around and swings his scythe, but no one is there.

He looks downwards, and Sevestra is somehow slithering around the ground quickly like a snake.  She opens her hand and bares claws from her fingers at Adam.

She swings, but Adam quickly blocks with his fire covered scythe.  The fire doesn't seem to phase Sevestra at all.

I quickly react and summon sand below Sevestra, who quickly jumps away.  "Think I don't know about your cheap little ability buddy!?" she yells with a huge smile.

I grit my teeth and quickly ask Adam "What are her abilities?  Do you know them?"

"Aye, If anyone knows her, it was Has- ....me."

"Are you okay?"

"...I'm fine.  Don't worry about me.  Here is what she is capable of.  As you saw earlier, she slithered along the ground like a snake.  But I'll get into that later, I'll spit out the most important part.  Watch out for her claws, they're one of the most dangerous things about her."

"What's so dangerous about them?"


"Shhhh..." Sevestra whispers in Adam's ear.

Adam gets a very shocked expression and quickly pulls in his scythe in order to cut her, but suddenly he stops moving.

"Can't have you telling them my ssssecrets... can I?" she whispers in his ear.

"Crap... this is bad..." Adam says in a pain enhanced voice.

I quickly summon sand to grab Sevestra, but suddenly Adam swings his scythe and turns the sand into glass, and it shatters apart.

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