Secret War Part 8

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"Alright, Yuteir... go all out" Havoc commands.

She nods and charges light to her hands.

"Yuteir... it's your brother... Venny... you remember?"

She says nothing as she charges towards him, light trailing from her hands.

She swings a barrage of fists at Venny, who does nothing but dodge.  However, she does a feint right hook, and knees him in the stomach instead.

Havoc then aims his palm at the flinched Venny, and shoots a few bullets.

Venny blocks the bullets with a light shield, but Yuteir teleports behind him and kicks him hard in the back.

"What's wrong... just a few seconds ago you were gloating like a proud man!" Havoc yells, and he sends a giant blade in Venny's direction.

Venny turns around and catches the blade, with Yuteir standing on top of it.

She hops off of the blade and drop kicks the top of Venny's head, forcing him to lose his grip.

He summons a shield of light at the last second to cover his body, as the blade sends him slamming into the wall.

Yuteir points her finger at the giant blade, and a bright light forms around her finger.  She blasts a large beam of light at Venny's area, causing the area to disintegrate into the light.

Venny teleports in front of Havoc, with a furious expression on his face.

"HAVOC!" he screams loudly.

Havoc only grins at him, as Yuteir kicks him in the throat.

Venny coughs loudly, and is sent flying to the ground.

"What is this... why are you avoiding attacking her?  She's no longer your big sister, you know."

"What the crap... what did you people do to her!?"

"We only turned her into one of us."

Havoc walks over to Yuteir, and cuts open the waist area of her body suit.

See-through mechanical devices are shown throughout the part of her body where she was cut four years ago.

"I only returned the favor.  Turned her into what she turned me into."

Venny's eyes grow wide, and he can barely say a word through his mouth.  The only things that come out are jumbled mumbles.

"What?  An eye for an eye... don't you think?"

Venny starts to tremble, and puts on a furious expression.  "HAAAAAAAAVOC!"

Light explodes from his body, destroying the roof and tunneling upwards.

He points his open palm at Havoc, gathering an intense amount of light.  "I'LL FREAKING KILL YOU!"

Right as he is about to shoot this powerful blast of light out, Yuteir appears in front of him, and grabs his arm.

He immediately stops the blast, in fear of hurting his sister.

She uppercuts him in the chin, and then slams both of her palms against his chest, blasting him away.

"I keep telling you, it's not your sister anymore... so why are you holding back?" Havoc taunts.

Venny slowly gets himself together, and stands back on his feet.

But his sister doesn't let up, and continues on with a barrage of attacks, launching him into the wall over and over again.

Havoc clicks his tongue.  "It's no fun if you are just going to wimp out like that..."

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