GOOD Karmatic Choice: Destroy the wall

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"Obviously we are going to destroy the wall.  If we left these people behind, we'd be forgetting our cause here."

"That's the right answer" Adam replies with a smile.

"Okay then, leave the wall destruction to me.  Adam, I want you to explain the situation to the people, if you don't mind.  They will probably not trust us because we are elemental users... but tell them that another elemental user is on their way to kill us all.  Make it believable."

"Will do" Adam replies.

Usara turns towards the wall and slowly walks towards it.  She slides her feet apart, and forms her hands like guns, with her index finger and her thumb sticking out.

"Wind Strike Fighting Stance: Bullet Formation."

She strikes the wall with her index finger once, and after one second, several holes appear all around the wall, and it just crumbles apart.

"Since this room is around in the middle of this building, we are going to have to escort everyone out through the hallways.  Let's just hope this person doesn't find us" she says calmly.

Immediately however, the small crowd of people start to stampede out of the room.  

"W-Wait people!  If you make too much of a ruckus, this person may discover us!" she manages to say to them.

They quickly calm down, and slowly take a stop.

"Let us escort you through, we do not want anyone to be harmed..."

"I-If that's what you think will suit us best, by all means..." an aged man says.

Usara remains quiet and steps in front of the group.  She carefully maneuvers through the hallway, with us following her league.  It takes several minutes, before we finally make it to the emergency exit in the back.

I finally start to feel safe again.  Usara carefully opens the door, and leads all of the people out one at a time.  

She emits some type of large tent outside and says "Okay, everyone can change in there.  We will keep lookout until everyone is ready to leave."

"Let's just hope that person doesn't draw near..." I say nervously.

"Huh?  You mean me?"

My eyes grow wide as I quickly turn around.  But before I can even react, this person grabs me by the throat and jumps through the ceiling with me.

Everyone screams my name as I am forced by this guy through the city.

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