Young Prodigy

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Who knows how much longer later, I wake up in what seems to be some kind of sleeping bag.  I'm in a dark room, which is barely lit by candles hanging from the wall.

The atmosphere is rather gloomy, and the room is kind of small.  I slowly push myself out of the sleeping bag, but flinch in pain as I bend forward.  It seems to be too painful to move, still.  

I check my body, to see if the wounds are still open.  I can feel and see wraps around the entire waist of my body, plus around my other wounds as well.

I'm starting to wonder who's responsible for all this.  I attempt to carefully slide out from the sleeping bag, but even that hurts.

"Careful young prodigy, it was a lot of hard work keeping you alive."

My eyes grow wide, hearing that voice out of nowhere.  I look around the room, but see no one.  "Who is it!?"

"No need to worry so much, young prodigy.  I am only here to watch over you."

"I asked who is it!?"

"Please, young prodigy, your yelling may awaken the healer."

"I'm sorry- the what?  What's going on?  Where am I, and better yet, who am I even talking to?"

"It matters not who I am.  I am merely the voice.  The voice of the healer."

"Can you explain something at least?"

"Very well.  Allow me to make my way down to you."

After a few seconds of sitting in this room in silence, I see a figure coated in shadows from the hallway enter the room.

He is an armored man, without his helmet.  He has pure white hair, and light blue eyes.  His hair is slightly messy, and he has bangs covering over his left eye.

"I am the voice of the healer.  Nothing else, nothing more.  I haven't a name, nor a personality."

"Uh... okay... mind telling me why you brought me here?"

"We all have many reasons, young prodigy."

"Why you keep callin' me that?"

 "Because you are the young prodigy."

"You are terrible at explaining things, you know that?"

"I only speak on behalf of the healer."

"Well can I get someone less... dumb?  No offense."

"I cannot take offense... you seem to forget, young prodigy."

"Please get me someone else?"

"Very well."

He flicks his wrist, and suddenly I begin to levitate out of the sleeping bag.  I get a little startled, plus very surprised.  I wouldn't expect someone in armor to have the ability to do this.

He silently carries me over to some type of large room, still barely lit by candles and covered with long dining tables.  It is filled with several other guys in similar armor as 'The Voice'.  All of their armor has some type of royal looking cape attached to the waist, extending down to their lower calves.  They also have glowing designs imprinted all within the armor, which all glow different colors.

The Voice's armor has light blue lights imprinted within it.

"The young prodigy has awoken, fellow comrades" the voice announces.

They all look in my direction, and then line up in a straight formation.  Every single last one of them has white hair.  

From my left to right, the one furthest to the left, a woman, begins to speak.  "I am the healer's eyes.  I see only what the healer needs to see.  I guide everyone through even pitch darkness."

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