The Nice Agency

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I pan my eyes left and right examining my surroundings.  There is absolutely no way out of this.  There's no way I could fight them all- even with shining mode zero.  And I can't escape, Suiyomi would just out speed me.

I pat Nelena on her head.  "You need to get out of here.  I'll distract them."

"Whoa there tough guy, I'm not moving from this bubble until we do what we came here for."

"Look, we can do that later.  You need to escape while you can before they decide to attack us."

Nelena just stares off at someone that looks almost exactly like her.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"That's me... the real me..."

Obviously, I'm surprised, but I don't really have time to act surprised right now.  "Look, I'll ask you about this later.  For now, I'm going to focus on getting you out of here."

Nelena beckons her knife at her older self.  "Not a chance."

"I'm pretty sure you're pretty salty when it comes to her- err- you... whatever, but I'm not having you get caught up in this!"

"Don't talk back to your elders kid!" Nelena shouts angrily.  She suddenly throws one of her knives at her older self and uses acid reanimation to teleport to her.

"But I'm older than you..." I mumble, before realizing Nelena just made a stupid mistake.

I quickly blast myself in her direction, but the Agents all intercept me.  I glare at them all and shout "We don't have time for this nonsense!  You know there's an invasion going on right now as we speak right!?  Human beings are being turned into the enemy as we speak!"

"Then everything is going to plan..." Billy says.

I click my tongue.  "I don't want to waste my time with you all.  But if you guys get in my way- you'll regret it..."

My body slowly lights up with zero beta, causing them all to take a step back.

I can sense someone suddenly speed behind me, and I turn around to backhand them out of the way.  Of course it was Suiyomi with his unstoppable speed.

He activates his Ojos Brillantes and quickly shoots several high pressure water beams in my direction.

Billy grabs my body with green glowing tree branches, and Sevestra tightens the branches with venom strings.

My color changing eyes glow fiercely, as I cause a huge pulse of zero beta to shoot out from my body, destroying anything near me.

Suiyomi quickly takes his chance when he sees an opening and jumps over to me, while sending a roundhouse kick.

I manage to catch the kick in the nick of time, but Suiyomi was only a diversion.

All the other Empty Agents charge up some kind of ranged attack from behind me simultaneously.

I turn to look behind me, and as I do, Suiyomi launches me away with water from his leg.

Then the Agents all fire their attacks at me, using an elemental combination.

I surround my fists with zero beta and catch the attack, but the power coming from it is tremendous.  I'm a sitting duck as I hold back this massive combination.

I can feel Suiyomi charging up a high pressure water beam not too far off.  It barely even takes him a second to fire it off in my direction.

I close my eyes, unable to fend off his attack.  But nothing happens.  I slowly open my eyes and pan them to my side.  I can somewhat see a figure behind me, but I can't turn around because I'm still fending off the huge combination attack.

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