Enter Kiruh Black

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The sand dragon laughs even louder, causing the dome to vibrate.  "What does that even mean!?  What's wrong with you Cesar!?  Did that fox kid put a dent in your head!?"

"Do I look like Cesar!?"

The dragon pushes his head towards me, and squints his eyes.  "Hm... you kinda look like that fox kid, actually.  With that weird orange aura you got goin' on around you."

"Are you deaf!?  I'm not either, I'm Kiruh Black!"

"Right, right.  And from today forth, I am too, right?  Why don't you show me exactly what you mean then?"

I grin and summon a bunch of fire to surround me.  "Since you're a sand dragon, you would merely absorb my sand, right?  Then I guess I'll just have to do this the old fashion way!"

I immediately burst my body with flames and take off right at the dragon's face.  I suspect he'll do some type of breath attack, so I prepare a counter strategy.

However, he just swings his claw at me, hitting me in the side and knocking me against the dome.  "Okay... I wasn't prepared for that..."

I quickly stand back up and charge up fire once again.  This time I'm prepared for anything he may throw at me.

He stomps on the ground, causing a massive fissure.  I stagger, but manage to keep my ground.  But before I can fully recover, he sends a massive sand breath attack at me.

I have no choice but to block it with a flame shield.  Luckily the power of my beta has been increased, so not even an inch of the attack pierces my shield.

The sand dragon clicks his tongue.  "You think this little cage can hold me?  You apparently underestimate who I am!"

He flaps his wings, which causes a massive amount of wind to blow down upon me.  He then flies upwards, breaking straight through the dome.

My eyes grow wide and I give chase.  I very easily out speed him and zoom upwards towards his neck, but he just swipes me away.

"Learn your place, Cesar!  I only served you in the past because I had to.  You were foolish to let me free!"

I growl at him.  "For the last time... I'm not Cesar!"

I spread my arms apart, and zero beta explodes from my body.  "And it's time I put you in a cage!"

I rotate the hourglass, resetting its time.  This causes me to enter a forced state of complete concentration.

I lift my arm upwards in front of me, and form a zero bomb in my palm.  I immediately throw it at the dragon, which is too slow to dodge.

The initial explosion is enough to knock the dragon right out the sky.  The orbital strike is just overkill.

The dragon roars in agony as the orbital strike hits his stomach.  Once it is finished, he looks at me with a deep glare.  "You struck me!  You actually struck me!  And to think I was going to spare you!"

He quickly gets back on his feet, and charges up a massive amount of beta within his mouth.  "This one takes me back!"

I grit my teeth, and ball my fist.  Concentrated orange flames spark around my hand.  "Time to teach you a new trick..."

The dragon looks upon my fist in awe, almost as if he remembers my attack.  I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

I charge at him with my fist full of flames, which causes him to release his massive breath attack.

I punch the high velocity sand with my fist, shouting "Fox Fire!" as loud as I can.

The flames protect me from the sand as I charge straight through his breath attack.  He is much too slow to react once I reach him, and he receives a jaw full of orange flames.

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