This Is My Playground

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"Oh?  Oh!?  An Empty Agent?  I finally get to meet one!?" Ieli yells while bouncing up and down with joy.

"What's this?  How could you be overjoyed in your situation?" Lloyd mutters while adjusting his glasses.

Ieli points accusingly at Lloyd with a huge smile on her face, and yells "You!  I wanna fight you!"

The man jumps back in shock a bit.  "W-W-What utter foolishness... first you infiltrate this place, then you challenge me personally?  I would never even allow such a chance..."

"Yeah Ieli... he has point!  You've only just trained under us... don't go challenging an Empty Agent!" Adela whispers loudly.

Lloyd slowly walks down the staircase.  "Now when I so happened to hear about our unfortunate comrades... shot in the head... crushed and drowned in sand... etcetera etcetera... I was a little ecstatic.  No fools dared ever infiltrated our headquarters, and killed some of our comrades.  I thought we finally had a fun challenge.  It's boring just sitting at your desk all day... calculating income, doing all this casino work.  But now... this seems a little disappointing.  You all allowed yourselves to get cornered so easily."

"Kyeh, you talk to much!  I wanna fight you already!" Ieli yells. 

"Like I said, you don't even deserve a one on one fight with me!"

"Bah, coward!  Punk!  Afraid of a young scrawny looking woman are ya!?"

Lloyd slowly backs up, and sweats nervously.  Could it be he's actually... scared?

"You are testing my patience... one more word out of you and I'll order one of these mechs to blow you apart!"

Ieli squints her eyes, giving Lloyd a deep glare.

"Ieli, just calm down!" I yell.

She continues to slowly walk forward towards Lloyd, but while keeping her mouth shut.

Lloyd starts to sweat even more, and then yells out "O-One more step and they'll blown your brains out!"

Ieli stops walking.  She looks at Lloyd, and suddenly gives him a big smile.

"T-This is bad... we need to take evasive action!" Adela whispers to me.

"I'll pull her back!" I whisper back.

I summon a bunch of sand and quickly grab Ieli.  All of the assassins suddenly focus their aim on me.

"You fools, don't shoot that one!  He's much too valuable to kill..." Lloyd orders.

They all carefully readjust their aim as I slowly pull Ieli back to me.  She is struggling to escape, but no avail.

"Calm down Ieli... you can't go picking fights with a guy like this... we need a plan out of this..." I say quietly.

"But I wanna fight!  I wanna fight him!  I really do!" Ieli squeals.

"Why are you so enthusiastic on fighting him!?"

"I have my reasons!"

"And those are?"

Ieli just squirms even more, attempting to bust free from my sand's grip.

"Did you know how this casino was built?" Lloyd suddenly asks.

"What makes you think we care?" I ask.

"Too bad, I'm telling you anyway.  It happened around the time I joined the Empty Agents.  Everyone who entered to join were all elemental users.  I felt pretty out of place... seeing as how I was just an engineer."

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