Just A Ruse

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Adam is quick to toss his silver flame surrounded scythe at Hurik, who disperses his body into volcanic sand.

He appears behind Adam at the same distance he was earlier, but he failed to notice that Adam attached a silver flame chain to the bottom of the scythe.

He swings the chain around, catching Hurik off guard.  He barely manages to dodge the attack, but the pure heat wave of the flame manages to burn his arm.

Hurik summons several volcanic sand clouds in the air, which reign down an unimaginable amount of high velocity sand bullets.  It's impossible to avoid them.

However, Adam creates a bubble of silver fire around him, easily negating the sand reign.  While inside the fire bubble, he slams the stick end of the scythe down on the fire, and a silver flamed copy of himself quickly pops out.  It charges out of the shield, and makes it's way towards Hurik.

Hurik grins and shoots out a small, tightly compressed beam of volcanic sand.  It impacts the silver clone, but only causes it to flinch.

It continues charges as if nothing has happened.  It creates it's own version of Adam's scythe, and gets in a close range fight with Hurik.

The sand below the clone is quick to turn into glass particles, and even starts to turn into reinforced glass itself.

"So hot you turn desert sand into glass within an instant?  That's great, if anyone would be on par with Amateratsu, it would be you!"

"Who's this 'Amateratsu' you keep on speaking of..." Adam calls out, as he uncloaks himself from the flame shield.

Hurik ducks a scythe slash aimed for his neck, then raises his arm upwards, blasting volcanic sand from the ground, hitting the flame clone.

"The one person in the Empty Agents who pisses me off the most next to that bastard who was finally murdered!  I'd love to make that bastard's head into a bowling ball!"

"I don't care what quarrel  you have with this person..." Adam says quietly.

He teleports behind Hurik in a flash of fire, with his scythe up to his throat.  "I only care about turning your head into a bowling ball."

Silver flames blast from the blunt end of the Scythe's blade, which pushes the scythe through Hurik's neck.

Volcanic sand bursts from the cut, and Hurik's body grabs his head.

He chucks the head at Adam, who stops it by whacking it with his scythe.  However, the head suddenly explodes in a huge sand explosion.

Adam managed to flash fire out of the explosion just in time.

Hurik appears through a pit of sand a few meters ahead of Adam, with his head intact.

"You chuck your own body parts as weapons?"

"And that ain't the only thing!" 

Volcanic sand forms in between his fingers, creating small blades.  He quickly throws each of the blades at Adam, who hops on flames and starts to elemental ride away at a high speed.  But the sand blades track to him with ease.

Adam turns around and sends slashes of fire at them, but they easily just tear through.

"Those blades explode if they impact anything... so..."

Adam twirls around his scythe above his head, gathering wind energy.  He then swings the scythe in front of him, blasting a huge ball of wind.

The wind easily deflects the knives, and Adam launches himself towards Hurik.

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