Forbidden Atmosphere

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I punch the ground continuously, reaper beta surging outwards from each time my fist slams into the ground.  I can't stop due to this overwhelming rage running throughout my skin.  I scream at the top of my lungs, "I'm tired of being betrayed!  Why would you do this!?  Why am I always pitted in situations like these!?"

Lilian gets up from off her back and attempts to run towards me, but is knocked back once again from another blast of reaper beta.  Even Beta attempts to get close, but flinches heavily each time reaper beta impacts him.

I roar at the top of my lungs into the clouds, which ends up turning them black.  

"What's going on!?" Lilian screams over the loud roar I am causing.

"His mind was shattered... he can't control himself now!" Beta yells back.  "If only Kristy were here...!"

More dark clouds begin to form in the sky and slowly begin to start thunderstorms.  The area around me starts to gather up large amounts of wind which circles around me like a hurricane.  At this point no one can get near me.

Eventually even the wind turns completely black, because it fills up with reaper beta.

"At this rate he's going to end up calling the reaper armada here!" Beta shouts.

But suddenly I feel someone grasp my waist.  I feel a warm sensation wrap its arms around me, almost like a guardian angel holding me tightly.

I stop my roaring, and pan my eyes behind me.  Rina holds on to me with her eyes closed... smiling.

"It can't be helped... can it?" she whispers.  She opens her eyes and looks up at me.  "You can hear us now, right?  If you can hear our voices... know we are still here.  We are still supporting you."

I look at her in shock.  "How... did you manage to get through?"

She smiles at me.  "Because you and I are one in the same."  She lifts her palm, emitting sand from her fingertips.  "We'll deal with this... somehow.  So please... don't lose yourself here.  You are the last hope for everyone here."

I lower my head, attempting to hide the tears pouring down my cheeks.  Lilian suddenly runs up and hugs me from the front, burying her face into my chest.

"Daddy... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...!"

I grin at her and pet her hair.  "I'm the one who should be apologizing..."

Several hours pass, and by this time, the night sky overwhelms the atmosphere.  Everyone who is remaining holds a memorial for all those lost to this incident.  I can't help but think negatively.  Yein is gone... and I only talked with him just moments before this happened.  Lorraine is gone... I didn't even get to bond with her that much.

I can only be grateful that I didn't lose any more family from this.  We set up a camp with just enough tents for all of us.  Lilian will be sleeping in my tent, and Rina will be sleeping in a tent next to mine.  It remains pretty quiet for the remainder of the night... everyone is too depressed to talk.

We all head to our tents and just... go to sleep quietly.

I wake up later the next afternoon... it seems like I'm the last one to wake up.  I was half expecting a nightmare last night.

I sigh and head out of my tent, with scruffy hair, looking extremely exhausted.

Everyone is gathered around in a big circle sitting in chairs, in a slight awkward silence.  They all look at me once I step towards them.

Reese stands up and announces, "Alright... now that everyone is supposedly here... I guess it's time to make a few announcements.

Following that recent and horrible loss... it would seem that the new elemental academy has been shattered.  However, that is not the case.  Before... Yein was lost... he gave me contact information.

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