The Return

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Never in my life have I felt so much despair.  I know I was forewarned about the consequences... but I never even considered anything so dire.

Is this all just a dream?  It has to be... my heart feels like it's about to explode.  Brima... the Messiah?  But I witnessed her die... I witnessed her body get torn to shreds.  How is it possible that she's alive?  How is it possible that she's the Messiah?

How is it possible she's our enemy?

Brima One... the sweetest girl I've ever known, the most innocent, the most gentle... the mother to my child.

I can't even witness all of the other's expressions, as I can't move my eyes off of her.  She keeps the same expression of hers- dead neutral... I can't feel any emotion behind that face of hers.

"I know most of you might be a little surprised... but what you see in front of you is not a dream.  Unfortunately this is reality... I am the Messiah."

She shuffles her eyes left and right, examining the astonished faces along all of her former comrades.  "I guess I should get to explaining... where shall I begin?

...I guess you can say I was pitted with this position the very day I gained the ability to retain my memories.  Maybe around 3 or 4 years old?  In other words, for as long as you all have known me, is as long as I have been the Messiah.  No... even before I was born.  Because Danielle was the Messiah before me.  That... is the true reason why my father, Maka One, had sought her out.

Now... why am I just now deceiving you all?  That is because the higher ups did not need me to take true action back then.  So I wanted to live a normal life... for as long as I could.  I completely regret never telling any of you... but what's in the past, is what's in the past."

"You died!" Lilian suddenly shouts.  "In this timeline... you passed away!  And in my timeline, you were trying to save our twisted world from Kristy!  So why... why!?  WHY!?"

"Lilian... the mother you once knew is not who you think she is.  Even in your timeline I still existed as the Messiah.  But I merely didn't enact... for you see... I was using Kristy in that timeline to do all of the work for me.  In this timeline, for some reason, her will was much stronger.  I had to handle her myself... otherwise she truly would have gotten in the way."

"But I admired you!  You were the strongest woman I had ever known!  I wanted to become just like you, mom!"

"...Me?  Strong?  Pure power doesn't make one strong... your father... he's the one who's truly strong here.  That is why... he is considered a threat."

I cringe when I hear her say that.

"A threat!?  You seriously consider daddy a threat!?  We're your allies... why are you trying to hurt us!?  I don't understand at all!"

"...In the end, Lilian, we are all just the Higher-up's playthings.  If I don't do their dirty work for them, they'll do more than just kill all of you.  They are going to try and obliterate everything... that is why I'm going to rise to power and kill them all."

"That doesn't make any sense!  Why don't you just join us then!?"

"You still don't understand anything... they know everything.  The only reason I can even speak of this now is because we are in my personal dimension… but even in here, they can still intervene.  If I join you guys, even for a minute, they will intervene.  And they will wreak havoc."

"So you're just going to kill us all!?  You're no better than them, you aren't the woman I admired!"

Brima lets out a pained chuckle.  "I never was that woman..."

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