Overwhelming Heat

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I continue to look at the map as I run through the horribly black looking forest.  Every single last tree looks as if it had caught on fire, yet the ground remained untouched.  The sky was very clear compared to the forest.  It was very blue, with a small amount of white clouds.

Eventually I reach a huge open spot, where there isn't a single tree.  There is just a huge gaping black burnt looking crater.  I see two people in the crater in the distance, and decide to hide behind a burnt tree.

I whisper into the communication link, "Hey Yein... I see two people here.  One of them looks to be Haston... but the other... I've never seen this guy before.  I can't get a clear view of him either."

"Seeing as how Haston hasn't devoured him already, he must be a comrade.  I forgot to mention that Haston somewhat recently joined an organization created by the boss herself..." Yein replies.

"An organization?  What kind of organization?"

"She gathers up some of the strongest elemental users and puts them in charge of basically defending the area... keeping the peace, if you will.  Somewhat similar to the old Delnine Eight, only the numbers of her organization are a little bit larger."

"That sounds interesting... what's the organization called?"

"They're called the Empty Agents.  Remember that name well... they're well known around here, and could end up being trouble."

"Then what should I do now?  It looks like another Empty Agent is here... should I just wait it out or what?"

I can hear Yein sigh heavily over the microphone.  "The best thing to do is to wait it out and hope for the best."

I agree silently and close the communications for now.  I stare off in the distance and wait a few minutes hoping for the other person to disappear.  Eventually the other person gives Haston a playful salute, and starts to take off.  I can't believe my eyes when I see what he uses.

I open the communications back up and say in a shocked tone "Y-Yein!  Why is this guy using... some kind of black sand!?"

"Black... sand?" Yein says quietly.  He remains quiet for a few seconds before saying "Oh... that's one of the worst people for you to be matched up against.  He uses volcanic sand, so in other words, his sand hurts a lot more than yours."

"I'm wondering how he's using sand in the first place!?"

Suddenly I look up and notice Haston is right in front of me.

"Long time no see, meal."

I immediately blast fire in front of me, but he disappears in a flash of blue fire, then reappears behind me.

"Oh?  Fire?  So you're trying to cage me back up?" he says, with his shell forming a mouth.  "Let's see if you've got what it takes!?"

Yein's voice comes in through the comm link as Haston charges towards me and swings his scythe rapidly at me.  "Kiruh?  Kiruh!  Come in!  Are you okay!?"

"A little busy, call back later!" I yell, and then immediately hang up.

"Later?  You say that as if you'll survive!" Haston yells joyfully.

He swings his scythe forward at my face, and I swiftly dodge.  I light my fist ablaze and quickly jam the fire into his chest.

"That didn't take much..." I say calmly.  I look at Haston, who has stopped moving.  Suddenly I hear a feint chuckle.  The chuckle immediately turns into an insane laughter, and Haston suddenly punches me in the face, launching me away.

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