Moves To Be Made

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Kristy attempts to stand back up, after that ridiculously hard punch to her back, but her spine sends a sharp pain that runs throughout her body.  "B-Broken?" she thinks while she rubs her back.

She quickly uses time to reverse the broken spine, and stands up fully.  "What in the world was that...?" she whispers to herself while staring at the Messiah.  "I couldn't even feel his presence... and his speed was remarkable.  But even with that, I would be able to predict him due to time.  It's as if... he predicted my prediction...?"

Kristy's posture begins to grow a bit more nervous.  Just the Messiah's aura begins to make her a tad bit weary.

"...They are coming" the Messiah suddenly mutters.

Kristy raises her eyebrow.

"Your friends better prepare themselves.  They are coming."

Kristy attempts to look into the future to see what he is talking about, but his reaper beta prevents her.

"I'm afraid this information will have to remain vague to you, Kuller."

Kristy balls her fist and shouts "What are you hiding from me!?"

The Messiah once again doesn't bother to justify her question with a response.

She snaps and appears in front of him with a great burst of speed, with her fist cocked back.  However the Messiah is three steps ahead of her.  He easily counters her fist before she can even jab it at him.

He grabs her arm, while its cocked back, and flips her body around slamming her back on to the ground.

She attempts to teleport out of the way, but he slams his fist into her stomach, causing her to gasp for air.

"Why do you not bring it out, Kuller?  Your true self?"

Kristy's eyes grow wide, and she quickly stands back up.  She swings her foot in such a fast speed that it isn't visible to the naked eye.  However, the Messiah is still three steps ahead of her.

He stands back before she can even swing her leg at him.

"Don't even mention that!" she shouts in anger while charging at him.  Her arm gets surrounded by beta, and she jabs her fist to his right, predicting his prediction.

But of course, he predicts her prediction and grabs her fist with his hand.  He examines her hand and says "So not only do you use time to enhance the speed and power of your punches, you also use time to make them more deadly?  But I'm afraid your time just doesn't affect me."

He squeezes her hand tightly and surrounds her body with reaper beta, rendering her partially immobile.

The Messiah looks her dead in the eyes, and taunts "Use it."

Her expression grows furious.

With a sudden burst of speed, she sends a hard punch right to the Messiah's face, surprising even him.

She grits her teeth as she sends him flying from the brute force of her punch.

While in the city, all of the elemental users bring the captured Empty Agents to the roof of a large building, with the exceptions of Hurik, Nelena and Evelyn.  They sit them all down in a horizontal line, while they are tied down by kinetic ropes.

"Alright, I want you all to work on figuring out ways to break them all from their mind control!" Aunt Nice shouts.  "Those with scientific and psychological backgrounds need to step forward immediately!"

"Actually..." Nicole suddenly says, "I... I think we're okay now"

Nice turns around and stares at her, with a raised eyebrow.

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