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The sound of tiny feet clapping against concrete echoes throughout the dark hallway.  The men gathered in the hallway beckon their weapons, in preparation for the worst.

They are beyond shocked to see it is only a little girl.  One assassin walks up to the scared little girl and kneels over to get around her height.

"What is a girl like you doing in a dangerous place like this?  This is a quarantined zone... only authorized access allowed.  But I guess you don't understand what I'm saying, huh?"

The little girl shakes her head negatively.  It looks as if her eyes were previously pouring with tears, and her cheeks are visibly red despite her tan skin.

"What's your name little one?" an assassin woman with a British accent asks the young girl.

"Li...Lilian..." she replies quietly.

"What an adorable name... sergeant, see to it that this girl makes it back to where she came from safely."

"Yes ma'am!" the assassin from earlier salutes.  The female assassin walks off with the rest of the squad, leaving only the sergeant behind.  "So... who are your parents?  How did you get here?"

"W-We were hiding from you all... but I ended up getting lost and coming here..."

"...Hiding from... that means-"

The sergeant is quickly shut off, as a hand surrounded by a purple aura taunts the front of his neck.  "Infinite Le Fay... you've been a thorn in our backsides for several years... does this mean you were under our noses the entire time... and with a child?"

Brima doesn't say a word, as she traps the man in a psychic field.  She quietly says to the man, "You're coming with us.  And just to make sure you don't squeal, I'm blocking any sound you can make with this field."

Brima walks over to Lilian and kneels downwards.  "Now now Lilian... I told you not to run off like that.  If you ever lost me you were supposed to contact me."

"But now you have someone that could talk for you" she bluntly replies.

Brima raises an eyebrow, and then gives a soft smile.  "Such a sharp child you are... but I don't want you to get yourself in danger like this again.  Now, let's hurry out of here before we get into any more trouble, okay?"

Lilian nods agreeably, and the two, with the sergeant along for the ride, make their way back to their hidden underground base.

When they make it back, a young boy greets young Lilian at the door with an attempted tackle.  He only fails, with her easily countering the tackle, pushing him into a wall.

"Work on your ambush skills a little more, Hurik..." Lilian says quietly to her pain inflicted twin brother.

"Ah... I was so close!" he yells in slight frustration.

He stands up and walks over to his twin sister.  "I was hoping by the time you two got home I could have devised a devious strategy that even you would fall prey to, sis!"

"No no... you were doing it all wrong.  First off, I expected a badly placed ambush even before I got home.  You need to be less predictable.  Also the angle you came at me from was all wrong... and the noise you make while attempting an ambush is terrible as well."

"I see..." Hurik says while nodding his head with his fingers under his chin.

By this time, Brima had managed to sneak away from the kids with the sergeant, and had taken him down to the hidden room even the children didn't know about.

Lilian had noticed her mother slip away, which made her a little curious.

"Anyways, Hurik..."


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