My Angel

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The king just stares at me for a few seconds, and then bursts into a loud laughter. "Father mode? What type of ridiculous name for a technique is that?"

"It isn't a name for a technique or anything like that" I bluntly reply, "But instead, I say you can call it a form. And I don't exactly have time to be wasting here so..."

I run behind him, faster than the eye can see, and swing a hard chop towards his neck. He catches my movement at the last second and manages to dodge. He attempts a counter attack, but I blast shining beta from my feet and headbutt him.

He didn't seem to anticipate that, as he is flung back somewhat flinching. But he quickly manages to recover, and pushes the tips of his thumbs together.

Two tigers, formed from beta, appear from the ground. The tigers charge at me without second thought, but I easily just sidestep them and give them both a roundhouse kick. What I did not anticipate was the king just suddenly appearing before me, to give me a payback headbutt. Only since he is wearing a helmet, it hurts much more.

I feel like I just received a concussion. My vision gets a little blurry and it's somewhat hard to stand, but I manage to get back up on my feet.

But a beta hand just suddenly grabs me, and brings me back over to the king. He stares at me, through his helmet, for several seconds in silence. And then the hand starts to squeeze tighter.

"To throw a coup against someone that isn't even of your own planet. To throw a coup against something you had nothing to do with. This foolishness will get both you and your daughter killed. Alexis will perish along with you two."

I can barely mutter out words, but I manage to quietly whisper, "...Shining Slash..."

The king seems to get surprised as a blade of shining beta roars from my wrist to his helmet. The blade cuts through his helmet, but misses him.

He jumps away, his hands holding his helmet together, causing the beta hands holding me to break away.

"This... was my favorite helmet...!" the king howls in a small rage.

"Then why wear it in a fight..." I reply with a smirk.

The king grits his teeth. "It seems I have underestimated you a little. I never would have imagined a brat like you would have been able to crack my helmet. I guess I should start to get serious then!"

He crushes the helmet to little pieces, and stands up. Unfortunately for me, he was wearing a mask underneath his helmet. Only visible part of his face are his weird blue eyes, which seemingly have rings in the iris.

"Aw how disappointing... I wanted to see that ugly mug of yours."

"The king of Irona has a tradition, similar to the luchadore. There is no dishonor greater than having your face be seen. I will never allow a brat such as you to-"

But I interupt the king with a speedy punch to the face. As he flies into the wall, I say "Didn't I say... I don't really have time for this chatter."

The king blows the wall apart, and his figure makes its way through the dust towards me.

When he appears through the smoke, my eyes grow wide. It's as if he is floating. No element or any beta below him, holding him up.

The furthest outward ring in his eye glows light blue. "My angel... awaken!" he shouts.

Nothing happens, but I feel an amazing pressure cover my body. He points his palms at me, and the pressure gets even stronger, forcing me to my knees.

Then he raises his arm in the air, with his hand balled in a fist. He swings his arm down like a hammer, and I feel the pressure slam against my head. He continues to hammer this pressure on me, until I somehow manage to blast myself away using shining beta.

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