BAD Karmatic Choice: Help Vicky

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"I'm not a very patient man... and I wanna get this over with quickly, so we'll go with Vicky's plan."

Adela frowns slightly, but says "Well... we'll go with whatever you wish.  It will make them get here quicker I suppose."

I grin and look over at Vicky.  "So we just kill a few of the guards and officers and they'll come quickly, right?"

"Of course... those little tramps are quick to come to the worse crimes" Vicky replies.

Adela walks forward and says "We just have to avoid using elemental powers.  We don't wanna attract unnecessary attention from assassins... well, quickly anyway, seeing as how this plan will attract them regardless."

"Whatever, I can still murder people without the use any beta!" Vicky says in an excited tone.

She immediately charges towards a random unfortunate guard car that so happened to turn the corner.  She jumps on the car and breaks through the 'unbreakable' glass, and yanks the guard outside.  The man quickly gets on his feet and aims a gun at her, as the car crashes into a building, which is left undamaged.

"On your feet or I will be force to shoot!" the guard yells.

"I'd like to see you try!" Vicky yells loudly.  The man immediately fires upon her, but she skillfully dodges each bullet as if she's been shot at before.

She uppercuts the man in the chin, then kicks him to a wall.  Upon seeing this, citizens flee and call for other guards and police officers.

I run over to Vicky and push her out of the way, as a bullet is fired in her direction.

I grab the guard's gun and shoot the officer that shot at Vicky.  A few more officers take cover behind the walls.

"Oh yeah... this is it... those girls will come nice and quick now..." Vicky says with a big smile.

"That's if we don't get killed here!" I say.

"Don't worry, we came prepared."

She emits a light machine gun into her arms and immediately starts firing upon the officers, keeping them behind cover.

I bite my lip and charge towards the officers behind cover.

I aim my gun and shoot one on the left side, and the other starts to fire at me.  I jump and roll behind cover.  Vicky notices he pokes his head out and shoots him in the head.

Suddenly another bullet is fired out of nowhere, but luckily it misses.

I look up and notice a girl on a roof top with a sniper rifle.

I look at her seriously, but suddenly another girl runs towards me from behind and attempts to cut me with a knife.  I turn around, grab her with sand, and then toss her away.

"K-Kiruh!  We aren't supposed to use elementals remember!?" Adela yells.

The girl quickly gets back up on her feet and pulls out a gun.  Before she can even fire, Adela chops the side of her neck and then kicks the gun out of her grasp.  The girl jumps away, and puts on a serious expression.

"What's an elemental user doing here..." she says quietly.

I glance and notice the girl on the roof with the sniper rifle is about to fire.

Right as i'm about to move out of the way, another woman's voice yells out "Alright girls... he's had enough!" 

I get a shocked expression and turn around.

I notice a two girls surrounding another woman.  They are all wearing tight black leather suits, with spandex coverings where their thighs are.  They all have guns equipped on their back, except for the girl in the middle who has a gun over her shoulder.  She has goggles over her eyes, but I immediately recognize her familiar face.

My eyes grow wide as I say "Rina..." 

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