Secret War Part 12

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I squint my eyes and look down at the ground.  "You really think we can take on agent number one...?"

"If we combine our strength, I'm sure we can take him on!  Not to mention you beat down Sathe Kuller with no problem!"

"...I did?  I don't remember anything... I was locked in the same space... with him... until I came to..."

"...You don't remember anything that happened?"

"...So Sathe's dead now?  Good riddance... he needs to pay full time for what he's done..."

"C'mon, we need to go catch Ieli before she really goes to him herself!"

I grit my teeth and stand up.  "I don't think we can take on number one so easily... we had a hard time against number seven, and that's when we had Adam with us..."

"Does that mean you're giving up!?"

"No... just the opposite.  We aren't just going to take down number one.  We are going to kill everyone involved in this stupid hunt for Seishunn Souls.  Kristy will pay triple what everyone else has too."

I run out the door yelling "I can sense Ieli not too far from here, we'll follow her lead for now!"

Rina smiles and follows closely behind.  

Cherry slowly wakes up only to notice her team members finishing off the rest of retreating assassins around them.  "H-Huh?  What I miss?"

"Looks like whatever that beta was from earlier, seems to have stopped for now!  I don't know what the leading squads are doing, but let's just hope they're okay!" Adela shouts out.

"Just let the beasts handle it" an assassin suddenly shouts.  "We don't need to dirty our hands any longer!"

"Beasts?  The crap are they talking about?" Adela questions.

"Six o'clock!" Giro yells from behind the crew.  Everyone turns down to see almost an army of white Sawlkin crawling down the hallway.

"T-The crap!?  What the freak are those!?" Maresa shouts.

"Sawlkin!?  What are they doing here!?" Vicky shouts.

"You know what those things are!?" Giro shouts as he blasts a few away with wind tunneling down the hallway.

"W-Well, yeah... my sis and I are part Sawlkin, as you can see by our claws..." Adela says somewhat quietly.

"Heh, I thought those were just fancy gloves!"

"You serious bro?" Vicky questions.

"Joking of course... but we got a little more on our hands to worry about!"

"C-Captain!  Can you handle it!?" Cherry asks loudly.

Maresa jumps forward beside Giro.  "Nerd boy, tunnel your wind down the hallway again!  We are going to do an elemental combination!"

"N-Nerd boy?"

"Shut up and do it!"


Giro gathers his hands together and sucks in a bit of wind to his palms.  He then blasts the wind down the hallway.

Maresa takes in a deep breath, and then spits out a huge blast of fire, which is strengthened by the tunneling wind.

The fire melts the metal in the hallway, revealing several rooms.  But even more Sawlkin start to crawl out of the rooms and walk over the molten metal with no problem.

A sudden bolt of lightning surges down the hallway from behind the team.

They all look back and notice everyone has gathered together again.  Mikkai runs out in front and shouts "We managed to find and gather everyone up again.  You guys were the last team we've found.  Still no idea where Kiruh's team is!?"

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