GOOD Karmatic Choice: Help Adela

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I turn and face towards Adela.  "We'll go with your plan.  What Vicky said, isn't that smart to be honest.  We could get in a lot of trouble."

"Whatever man, I'm just trying to pump up the fun" Vicky says dully.

"So how would we reek havoc without being caught?" I question.

"We'll use these holographic illusion thingies.  Hide our identities.  Once the G Girl squad comes, we'll undisguise ourselves and show that we come in peace."

"Alright then, sounds like a plan."

"There are only two of these things, so one of us is going to have to sit out" Adela says.

"Don't mind if I do" Vicky says and she takes off the holographic device and throws it at me.  I catch it and glare at her.

She walks to a building and tucks her claw behind her back, and then leans on the building.  "Knock yourselves out."

Adela quickly uses the device to disguise her entire body, and I do the same.

She disguises herself as a tough looking woman with tattoos all over her body and mohawk.

I disguise myself as a huge buff man with very short hair.

"Alright... we'll pretend to attack each other.  Don't use any beta related attacks, otherwise we really could get in trouble" Adela says calmly. 

I nod and immediately charge at her, putting on an act and yelling "You lookin' fer a fight lil' lady!?"

"Yer the one who who threw our hopeless babeh in teh trash ya worthless musclehead!"

I pause in shock at what she just said.  She takes this opportunity to punch me hard in the face, and I fall on my back.

"Oh, that hurt ya dick head!?"

"A-A-Adela I thought we were just acting?" I say quietly.

She charges towards me and knees me in the chin, and then punches me again.

"Look at that!  How come ye can hang our babeh upside down on eh rope and beat em' like a punchin' bag, but ye can't even punch meh!?"

"Cruel!  Her made-up stories are so unusually cruel and unnecessary!" I think.

She continues to brawl with me, and I take every hit until eventually deciding to dodge the punches.

I dodge one punch and then swing my fist at her face, but suddenly stop as I remember that it's still Adela.

"Whateva happened to all yer might ya lil' runt!  Last I remember ye dun hung our babeh up on a dart board and threw darts at em'!"

"Adela, at this rate we are gonna gain more attention than we need!" I think.

We continue brawling for a few more minutes until suddenly a gunshot is heard, a bullet goes into the ground right in front of Adela and I.

We look up, and notice a woman holding a sniper rifle standing on top of a building.

Suddenly I get tackled from behind and handcuffed.  But as I get tackled, the illusion fades away.

The woman on top of me stops moving for a second.  I look back at her with a small grin.

"You girls the G Girl Squad?" I ask.

"Yeah... and brawling in the street like this is a federal crime.  You ain't getting away easily."

I suddenly sink into the ground through sand, and rise back up in front of the shocked looking woman.  The handcuffs easily break apart, which causes her to jump away and aim her assault rifle at me.

"W-what do you think you're doing!?" the girl yells.

"I should be questioning that too Kiruh!  I thought you were told that we can't use beta here!?" Adela yells.

The woman aims the gun at me and puts on a serious expression.  "An Elemental user... I don't know what to do..."

She squeezes the trigger.  

Suddenly Vicky grabs the girl's arm, uppercuts her, and then throws her gun away.

The girl backs up with a frustrated look.

I glance and notice the girl on the roof with the sniper rifle is about to fire.

Right as i'm about to move out of the way, another woman's voice yells out "Alright girls... he's had enough!" 

I get a shocked expression and turn around.

I notice a two girls surrounding another woman.  They are all wearing tight black leather suits, with spandex coverings where their thighs are.  They all have guns equipped on their back, except for the girl in the middle who has a gun over her shoulder.  She has goggles over her eyes, but I immediately recognize her familiar face.

My eyes grow wide as I say "Rina..." 

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