Secret War Part 4

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After several hours have passed by and after everyone has recovered, they begin to prepare themselves for one of the most important missions of our lifetime.

"Can't believe that woman got the better hand at us in the end... we shouldn't of let our guards down" Mikkai complains.

"I most assure you... it won't happen again" Orion replies.

Mikkai points accusingly at Ieli.  "And why didn't you help out at all!?  Why did you just stand there!?"

"I got bored" she bluntly replies.

"Gah!  Even without the academy I'm still stuck around weirdos!"

"Still..." Lisa inserts into the conversation.  "There's no way we can enter this place with our numbers.  I'll get us as much back-up as I can."

"Back up?  You mean you actually have friends, captain Lisa?" Mikkai says with a smirk.

"As a matter of fact yes, steroid junkie."

"Hey!  I don't take steroids!" Mikkai yells angrily.  He flexes his muscles and brags "This is all a man's work here."

"Yeah, it's me" Lisa says through a holo-call.

"She freakin' ignored me!"

Meanwhile, I see Lorraine sitting in a corner quietly.  I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder.  "We'll get her back.  I promise you this.  We will get her back."

"I know... I know.  It's just... I finally get to see my daughter again... and this is how it turns out... I can't afford to lose her again..."

"If you don't mind me asking... how did your family split apart like this?"

"It's a long story... I'll just say, royalty happened."

"Oh that's right... I almost forgot Brima was a princess..."

"Kiruh" Lisa says as she rises from my shadow, scaring the crap out of me.

"W-Whoa!  Don't do that so suddenly!"

"Sorry, I couldn't resist.  But I wanted to say that our back-up will be arriving very shortly.  It's a pretty decent amount of people, but it's still not enough to go off with what we are facing against."

"It'll have to do, we're running short on time."

"Oh look, back-up has arrived" Lisa says while looking at the device on her arm.

"Wow... fast..."

"They're outside.  Let's take everyone out to meet them."


We gather everyone and step outside the ship into the long plain.

First off, the other two leaders of the G Girl Squad, Makela and Maresa are standing in front of the other people behind them.  Rina is standing beside Makela with her head down.

She slowly looks up to me, with her cheeks completely red.  "I... I only came to help because I heard Brima was in trouble..." she says very quietly.  "There's no way I'd aid someone like you in a fight!"

I chuckle sadly.  "Right..."

"Straighten up your act, you little brat!" Maresa yells loudly as she slaps the back of Rina's head.

"Ow!  Stop defending him, he's only tricking you!"

"How many times do we have to tell you that you're only tricking yourself!"

"A-Anyways..." Lisa interrupts.  "I'd like to... introduce the others?"

"Whatever!" Maresa yells.

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