The Knowledge

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Suddenly Aunt Nice steps ahead of the group of elemental users.  She stretches her arm outwards, signaling for them not to get any closer.  “Everyone Captain rank or below needs to draw away the reaper generals from the Messiah’s servants.  Everyone above Captain rank will aid me in the fight against the servants.  Do I make myself clear?”

“What kind of- we are overwhelming them!  Why should we retreat now!?” Makela shouts.

“They will overwhelm us if they can keep using their immortal troops as shields.  We need to take that away from them.  Do you all understand?” 

Makela sighs, while the rest of the captains nod agreeably.  

Nice then looks over towards the Empty Agents.  “And Agents three and above… help the captains out.  I want agents two and one with us here.”

The agents don’t bother arguing with her, though Nicole lets out a quiet grunt.

Without hesitation, they all charge towards the enemy, with their elements beckoning towards them.

However, instead of the Wrath attempting to stop them like they all expected, he lets them charge right by him.  Maria and Oscuro also do the same.

The Captains and agents taunt the reaper generals, blasting elements at them.  This forces them to retreat backwards, avoiding all of the endless elemental waves being sent at them.

Eventually they are all far away from sight.

Aunt Nice looks at the cage Beta is in, and sighs.  “You all are really making this difficult… locking up one of our council members like that.” 

“While we are all immensely powerful, Beta Kuller still could have easily overwhelmed us all with the help of his comrades.  It is only fair” the Wrath replies.

Aunt Nice sighs and looks back to see who has remained.  Ieli and Suiyomi.  She once again, sighs.  “I forgot that girl was agent number two as well…”

She looks back up at the Wrath, and summons a few water wolves around her.  “No matter.  I guess we will have to make due with this.”

Maria looks down at the three, and then focuses on Ieli for a few seconds.  “So that’s the girl, huh?” she mumbles to herself.

“Maria, stay focused.  We may know the power of the young girl and the young boy, but we know nothing of the woman.  Be prepared for anything.”

She smiles.  “Oh, roger…”

One of the wolves Aunt Nice had made from her water begins to run its way up towards the three in the air.  The Wrath simply shocks it, blowing it apart.

Another wolf runs its way up to the Wrath, and he simply repeats the process.

Aunt Nice stares at the Wrath for a few seconds, and then summons hundreds of water wolves.  This time, they seem to have reinforced aquatic armor, plus aquatic spikes sticking out of their backs.

She looks towards Suiyomi and asks, “May I ask you to assist my wolves with your element?”

“What exactly would I do?”

“Simply stand near them and fight alongside them.  Your element alone will strengthen their will.”

“You’re saying that as if they have minds of their-“

“Help me out here.”

Suiyomi raises an eyebrow, and steps into the middle of wolf crowd.

The Wrath signals for Maria to step forward, and whispers into her ear once she does.  “She’s preparing for something huge.  I don’t think I would be able to take them all out by the time they reach me.  I’m going to need Oscuro and you to back me up.”

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