Secret War Part 6

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Without a blink of hesitation, Havoc immediately shoots out several homing missiles at Venny.  The butler appears behind him and attempts to roundhouse kick him towards them.

But he ducks the roundhouse kick, punches the butler in the gut, then jumps away from the missiles.  But they track to his location and change their destination.

Before they get close to him, Venny blasts several beams of light at the missiles, blowing them up prematurely.

But Havoc rides a giant blade from behind Venny, knowing the missiles weren't enough.  He extends his arm out towards Venny, and shoots the machine guns in his palms.

Venny, while dodging the bullets, slams his fists together creating a bright flash bang.

However, it's noneffective to Havoc's cybernetic eyes.  He carefully aims at Venny and begins to fire again, but Venny teleports behind him just in time.

"Light Shot!"

A powerful sphere of light blasts from Venny's palm, but the butler charges in front of the shot and deflects it.

"What the... no one should be able to deflect an attack like that... they'll just get swallowed into the light..."

"Where're you looking?" Havoc says as a giant blade is flung from behind Venny.

Venny quickly turns around and grabs the blade with his hands surrounded by light, and breaks it apart.

But the butler appears from the broken blade, and kicks Venny hard in the face, launching him towards the wall.

Venny clicks his tongue, and spits out blood.  He stands back up, and points his fist at Havoc.

"Light rain."

Lines of light shoot out from his fist, covering the entire area.  Havoc guards himself with several blades, but the light easily tears straight through it.  Venny is unable to see clearly what happened to Havoc, but he stands prepared.

When the blades completely crumble, the butler is standing in front of Havoc with his arms out in front of him.

"What in the world... I'm thinking this butler is even stronger than you, Havoc!"

"I wouldn't be surprised.  The bastard's got hundreds of tricks behind his sleeve."

"But..." Venny says with his head lowered.

The butler's arms start to glow brightly, and suddenly explode in a bright light.

"He's still got a long way to go."

After a few seconds, Havoc respawns above Venny's head.  "Have you forgotten about my reanimation?  You can defeat me all you'd like... I'd only just keep coming back."

"When you killed my sister... she sent out something, didn't she?"

"Huh?  What're you talking about?"

"I had received information from her... it told me everything.  How you killed her, your weakness... it even told me her techniques."

"I said what are you talking about?"

"Are you an idiot?  It's clear what i'm talking about.  You made a huge mistake killing her.  Because you've made a much more deadly foe."

"I keep saying over and over... what are you talking about..." Havoc says as he walks away from Venny.

"Where do you think you're going?"

The butler suddenly rises from the ground, completely unharmed.

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