Secret War Part 9

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All of a sudden Brima stands up, but falls over on my chest.  She grips my clothes tightly, as the wraps around her body fall off.

I blush heavily, but she only pushes closer to me.  She basically has no clothes on now, but she acts as if there's nothing wrong.

"Kiruh..." she says quietly.  "You... came to save me..."

"B-Brima, your clothes... you don't have any, you know!"

She blushes slightly, and pans her eyes around the room.  Then she sighs, steps away from me, and summons a portal under her.  Suddenly clothes just appear on her.

It looks almost as if she were wearing goddess robes.  The top is white, and fades to green as it goes down.  She also has on a small cape, which is longer on the right side than it is on the left side.

"I didn't think you'd wake up so soon..." I say lowly.

Brima takes a look at Rina.  "Rina is here... as well?"

"Ah well... yeah.  She came to help us save you."

"I-I just wanted to see if he really didn't kill you... that's all..." Rina says quietly.

"Why would he kill me?" Brima asked in a confused tone.

"He... wouldn't... I was just feeling a little sick, that's all..."

 Brima giggles quietly, but puts on a sudden frown.  She looks at us, and gives us a small smile.  "I'm sorry everyone... but since we are here... there is something I need to handle."

I put on a confused expression, and ask "What are you talking about, Brima?"

She lifts her arm and suddenly I feel a force pulling my head close to Rina's.  Our heads slam together, and I lose consciousness.

Brima looks at Ieli.  "Please... take them somewhere safe.  I don't want them to get involved in this."  And then she disappears.

The assassin team is slowly sneaking through a room crowded with bookshelves.  But suddenly Lorraine stops moving, and puts on a shocked expression.

"Huh?  What's the matter, Lorraine?" Yein questions.

"I have a bad feeling... it's like something is telling me there's a problem... no..."

She suddenly runs off in the opposite direction.

"Lorraine!" Yein shouts.  He grits his teeth and turns towards Arnold and Ingrid.  "You two stay here!  I'll go after her!"

Yein runs off in the direction Lorraine ran, and manages to eventually run into her.  "Lorraine!" he calls out as he runs closer to her.

But when she turns around, her eye looks completely different.

It's as if it's completely hollow, and transparent.  It glows a dim grey color.  "Sorry Yein... I'm going to have to put you to sleep."

Yein falls to his knees, and Lorraine continues running ahead.  His vision begins to get blurry, and eventually he passes out.

"Any word from the team yet!?" Giro yells as he protects his teammates with a barrier made of wind.

"Not a word!  But I'm sure they are okay, we just need to give them time, you impatient brat!" Maresa yells while striking multiple assassins with flame covered fists.

"They better make it back alive!" Giro yells.  He then blasts a powerful wind tunnel down the hallway, sucking any assassins into it.

Lorraine slams through the ceiling, landing in a large, unknown room.  It is dim-lit room with a castle like theme to it.  The only light sources are candles and chandeliers.

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