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Hurik laughs maniacally as he summons a massive volcanic sand dragon beside him.  He jumps on top, and the dragon spreads its wings and flies.

I tightly condense the zero bomb in my hand, and the ground around me impulses.  I throw it in Hurik's direction, and he summons a ton of volcanic sand to block the attack.

However, the zero bomb instead absorbs all of the sand as it zooms right through it.  Hurik's eyes grow wide as he is quickly impacted by the attack, which completely absorbs the sand dragon as well.

As the orbital strike finishes striking down, Hurik falls to the ground face first.

He slowly stands back up, completely battered.  He looks at me, with obvious hate in his eyes.  "What was that?"

"My new reformed zero bomb."

"Tch... think you can pull off something like that again!?"

"Yes" I bluntly reply as I form another similar zero bomb in my hand, and throw it at him.

This time he looks extremely shocked, as the blast impacts him even harder.

However, he still remains standing after taking two zero bombs.

His breathing has gotten a lot more intense.  "Heh... why not a third one!?"

I do just as he asks, and throw a third one at him.

He is now barely able to stand.  His breathing has turned into heavy wheezing.  "Last time... I saw you... you couldn't... even... scratch me...!"

"Things change."

I raise my hand and prepare another zero bomb.  His eyes grow wide, and he quickly raises his hand in my direction.  I prepare to defend myself, but nothing comes my way.

His mask shatters apart, revealing his insane smile.  "Then if I can't have you... I'll just have someone close to you!"

I gasp and turn around.  There Nelena is, wrapped in volcanic sand.  Hurik squeezes the sand tighter as I attempt to turn around and blast him.

"Nuh uh... one more move and I'll pop her head open!"

"Let her go!"

"I will do whatever it takes to reach my goal!  If I don't have the power here to defeat you, then I'll snatch it from you!"

"Quit the bull crap!  This is a fight between you and I, let her go!"

Hurik starts to laugh loudly.  "C'mon... get angry!  I wanna see that little reaper form of yours!"

I choke a little as he says that.  "N-No... No way!  Do whatever you want with me, just let Nelena go!"

Hurik clenches his hand slightly tighter, causing the sand to tighten around Nelena.

I get even more furious, and warp over to where Hurik is.  This surprises him... and it even surprises me.

But I take this chance to send an orange flame punch down against his back, which releases his grip on Nelena.

She falls straight to her face, and blood splatters everywhere from her open wounds.

I pin Hurik down with sand, and run over to her.  I pick her up, and look at her in the eyes.  She is growing pale.

I close my eyes, and think of a way I can quickly fix this.  After a few seconds, I come up with an idea. "Nelena... I'll try to use the time warp around my hourglass to fix this.  I may not be on Kristy's level, but I think I can at least stop the bleeding!"

Enter The Sandman 2: Karmatic RecreationWhere stories live. Discover now